
contractor and grantee directive从总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)出发,将在11月21日之后生效,不禁止公司多样性政策或培训,但说承包商不能使用“促进工作场所”的内容。

根据芝加哥的律师事务所塞耶法斯·肖(Seyfarth Shaw)的说法,联邦承包商和受赠人面临将无意识偏见与种族或性别链接到培训计划中的限制。违反当事方将受到合同/赠款暂停或终止以及可能的剥离的约束。

10月15日,几个建筑部门协会加入了由美国商会领导的150个公司和非营利贸易集团的联盟一封信敦促 王牌 to withdraw the order they claim will "create confusion and uncertainty, lead to non-meritorious investigations, and hinder ... employers to implement critical programs to promote diversity and combat discrimination in the workplace.”



The law is seen by some as a pre-election ploy and may be short-lived if Democratic candidate Joe Biden is elected president next month, but training program content has come under new scrutiny.“在这一点上,我们正在审查行政命令以及我们自己的培训材料,”一家联邦承包商的一家建筑行业公司发言人说。



美国劳工部已发布添加了细节on compliance but also set up a hotline through its Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs to receive complaints now about workplace training program content and handle needed enforcement.

这Oct. 15 employer group letter says firms "are concerned that this will invite non-meritorious complaints from employees who may be disgruntled about a range of different matters" and that "things heard in these discussions could easily form the basis of a complaint" although not part of actual course content.

根据一项memo released副主任丹尼斯·D·柯克(Dennis D. Kirk)。

AGC said it remains concerned the order " does not undermine our efforts to expand diversity and inclusivity of the construction industry via programs like护理文化”集团发言人布莱恩·图尔马尔(Brian Turmail)说,他指的是该集团的新D&I和招聘工作。“我们要确保随着政府官员准备法规,他们不会无意中破坏努力”,以扩大行业的经济增长。

一些律师看到法庭的战斗,其任务似乎在设定可能超出联邦合同条款范围之外的要求时提出了宪法问题。总部位于华盛顿特区的律师事务所Covington&Burling LLP的律师说,该命令是“一项前所未有的努力,以影响工作场所的言论,并可能提出许多挑战。”

In an introduction to the order, Trump takes aim at what he claims is “ideology rooted in the pernicious and false belief that America is an irredeemably racist and sexist country.”






While Covington & Burling says the order applies “specifically to training and not to other employer D&I policies,” it still sees potential legal conflict both with other federal or state requirements to provide race and sex bias training and with mandated changes that could violate the First Amendment by “coercing or restricting private or corporate speech.”

哈佛大学公共管理教授史蒂夫·凯尔曼(Steve Kelman)说,该命令使用采购系统“为政府承包商造成特殊处罚”blog post。“在脱下联邦承包商的所有可能原因中,这必须远远落在榜单上;这是惩罚承包商的思想犯罪。”


联邦承包商贸易集团的专业服务委员会没有在其网站上发布声明,但顾问兼前总裁兼首席执行官斯坦·索洛威(Stan Soloway)称其为“窗口改装...为了政治利益”,辩称在线承包商出版物政府主管的一份报告说,联邦政府不应“干预”内部公司实践。

"This particular announcement seems counterproductive to the best practices that corporate America and the Fortune 500 have been doubling down-on," says Jeffery T. Halter, a leading diversity strategy corporate consultant and former Coca-Cola diversity strategy director. "Much of corporate America is taking the lead on these conversations. It would seem to follow that the federal government could learn from these examples."


Under the earlier order to federal agencies, the White House says agencies must also ensure their programs don't violate new mandates, with inspectors general now required to review compliance by the end of the year to OPM.

ACEC副总裁Jeff Urbanchuk说:“我们的公司正试图为他们的员工,客户和设计的最终用户做正确的事情 - 公众。”“总统的指令似乎是政治性的,可以对工程公司进行惩罚,并使他们面临重大风险,包括停职或终止联邦合同工作,甚至是贬低。拥抱多样性和包容不仅是正确的事情,而且有必要发展工程劳动力。我们正在与同行贸易协会合作,以使这一指向白宫。”