For the second straight year, ENR MidAtlantic’s Best Projects annual awards competition asked judges to select Project of the Year finalists and then select a Project of the Year. To be considered as a finalist, a project had to be a Best Project-level winner in an individual category. The following projects were finalists: Foreign Affairs Security Training Center, Best Project in the government/public building category; Winter Visual Arts Center – Franklin & Marshall College, Best Project in the higher education/research category; and Capitol Crossing, Highway, Deck, Bridge and Garage, Best Project in the highway/bridge category. The judges selected Capitol Crossing as the Project of the Year. Working on the largest remaining underdeveloped sites in Washington, D.C., the project team reestablished three city blocks in the capital’s northwest by infilling air rights.

行业法官的两个小组审查了整个地区的近100个项目,其中包括特拉华州,马里兰州,宾夕法尼亚州,弗吉尼亚州,西弗18luck官网吉尼亚州和哥伦比亚特区。最后,法官认可了33个获胜项目。18luck官网今年的法官是西宾夕法尼亚州大师协会执行董事戴夫·达奎伦特(Dave Daquelente);Clark Nexsen运输部负责人兼副校长Whitney S. Duffy;Smoot Construction项目主管Peter Ege;Skanska美国项目经理Becky Olson;开发促进者公司副总裁戴夫·维斯曼(Dave Wissmann)


Three separate safety experts—Wayne J. Creasap II, district representative, safety and health department at Iron Workers International; Bob McCall, director of safety at Master Builders’ Association of Western Pennsylvania; and Joe Schlerf, division safety manager at C3M Power Systems—served as this year’s safety judges. They reviewed 45 projects before selecting the Fairfax County Huntington Levee as the winner of the Excellence in Safety award. Despite having open trenches for more than 4,000 linear ft of buried pipe, the project had nearly 115,000 work hours with no recordable incidents or lost-time injures. The safety judges selected two awards of merit winners: The University of Brandon Avenue Green Street & Utilities Infrastructure project and Yeager Airport Runway 5 Safety Area.