Hurricane Delta brought more flooding than wind, but teams surveying Louisiana and Texas so far are reporting less damage to infrastructure and facilities than what they saw after Hurricane Laura just a few weeks ago.

借助背对背的飓风,团队正在评估两次风暴在短时间内的重大影响。“没有劳拉,您就无法看待三角洲,”相关的宿民和承包商鹈鹕分会的女发言人埃里卡·沃尔特(Erika Walter)说。“当三角洲到来时,许多查尔斯湖地区仍在流血,这只是选择了ab并使情况变得更糟。”



Power Grid Mostly Intact

As of Monday morning, Entergy Corp. had restored power to over three-fourths of its 493,375 customers in Louisiana, Texas and Mississippi who had lost power at the peak of Hurricane Delta.

Compared to the catastrophic damages of Hurricane Laura on Aug. 27, Delta’s impact on the region’s power grid appears to be far less severe, the utility reported Monday morning. Transmission and distribution systems in southeast Louisiana had to undergo a full-scale reconstruction that left many without power for weeks.

Entergy发言人杰里·纳皮(Jerry Nappi)在一份声明中说:“尽管飓风三角洲导致路易斯安那州西南部的传输系统的中断,但初步评估表明,传输损失最小,这将使设施的恢复速度比遭受劳拉飓风的恢复更快。”

三角洲淘汰爵士vice for 162 transmission lines and 215 substations. As of Monday morning, there were 176 substations and 107 lines back in service by Monday morning.




湖区工业联盟执行董事吉姆·洛克(Jim Rock)表示,水比风要比风要比风要大。

Rock说:“对于劳拉(Laura)的150英里 /小时风的任何东西,达美(Delta)的100英里 /小时风不会影响它。”

Flooding was reported at some industrial plants, including the W.R. Grace & Co. refining catalysts manufacturing facility in Lake Charles.



美国陆军工程兵团发言人里奇·博伊特(Ricky Boyett)表示,这些军团仍在调查损失,但大多数军团的洪水控制结构似乎都处于良好状态。他说:“与劳拉相比,我们一切顺利。”

Working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Corps has also reactivated Operation Blue Roof to install blue tarps in southwest Louisiana parishes.

Further east in Louisiana, Delta’s winds did little damage to the Lafayette Regional Airport, where the construction of a new $150 million terminal is under way.

机场执行董事史蒂文·皮库(Steven Picou)表示,新航站楼遭受了一些轻微的屋顶损坏,但没有水进入建筑物。现有航站楼上的一些机库也遭受了屋顶损坏。
