“Ideas and solutions are the easy part,” says Ricardo Khan, senior director of innovation at Mortenson Construction. It’s “the process” that is the real challenge.

可汗的中午主题演讲占据了虚拟的第二天的关键主题新利luckEnr FutureTech会议—the need to identify the problems in your construction process before you start throwing technology at them. Speakers across the day went deep into the details of digital twin models and scanning jobsites with robotic dogs, but all of them touched on the basic rule that you have to know what it is you are after before deploying new technologies.

麦肯锡公司的行业专家约书亚·约翰逊(Joshua Johnson)表示,肯定有问题可以解决建筑。



在“数字双胞胎型号和AI的AI为技术校园转型的所有者)的小组中,新技术的潜力很快。重建的首席技术官Mani Golparvar,OAC Services首席执行官兼总裁Shawn Mahoney介绍了有关新方法的全部进展有时会有所回报。

Constantly Updating Model


重建’s model of a project reflected every change on site, documented through drones and other visual captures. OAS has used it while serving as owner’s representative on a massive Microsoft campus in Redmond, Wash., with 18 buildings on 72 acres, and Mahoney says it was crucial to keeping the project on track. It all came from a chance encounter with a Reconstruct demo. “When I saw this at FutureTech two years ago, I almost jumped out of my seat,” he says.

在过去的十年中,现实捕获本身已经走了很长一段路,公司正在寻找部署它的真实业务案例。小组成员“将智能成像变成智能动作”讨论了他们正在对建筑项目进行测试的特定技术。18luck官网DPR Construction的西南VDC领导者Josh Destefano表示,该公司一直使用SmartTrack,SmartTrack是一种结构设施工具,可使用360°摄像机捕获现场数据,并自动在三个项目上使用AI自动更新数量的工作。18luck官网检查员用相机在三脚架或硬脚架上行走。



Swinerton技术与创新高级总监Eric Law讨论了该公司在Spot的一年经验,波士顿动力学的机器人“狗”这是带有360°相机和激光雷达扫描的工作场所。他说,结果比人类必须进行每周步行时,结果更加一致,质量更高。事实证明,机器人比使用相同乐器的人稳定得多,并且能够从地板上始终如一的高度进行捕获。Law的团队甚至使用位置来记录网站上的空中质量水平。


Cultivating Innovation

And, as several presenters reiterated, real innovation is often more than just finding the right point solution. In his keynote, Ricardo Khan of Mortenson walked through his firm’s journey of cultivating innovation within the company. “We started with a centralized HQ model,” for innovation development, recalled Khan. But after a while the company realized that might be a bottleneck for new ideas. “We then moved into a distributed model, and allowed our businesses to take on those [new] processes, and we support them,” he explains. “It helped remove roadblocks [to adoption].”

而且,部署新创新的最后一项技巧有时会被忽略。他说:“别忘了与您的法律和风险团队谈论IP [知识产权]问题,这很容易忘记。”