
When Bruce Lake, future president of James McHugh Construction Co., joined the firm in 1978 just after college graduation and was assigned as project manager for the firm's work on underground concrete structures for the Red Line extension of the Washington, DC, Metro subway line, it was company superintendent Donald Rieser who was sent from Chicago to show him the ropes.

The difficult concrete work on the cathedral-like arches was a Rieser specialty, as was expertise in keeping the complex project's delivery on schedule.

里斯在92岁时死于9月19日在伦埃林,我ll., after a long illness, a family member confirmed. He retired from McHugh Construction in 1994 after being a key contractor team member for more than 40 years as the firm contributed to the Chicago skyline and significantly advanced concrete construction practices in the city and worldwide, particularly with difficult shapes such as the wave-like balconies of the Aqua skyscraper and the out-of-plumb planned frustum shapes of Vista Tower.

“ [Rieser]最初是一名工程师,然后决定他想将自己的能力更多地应用于完成任务的领域,”莱克在1997年成为总统的莱克说:“他拥有出色的团队建设能力,并利用了这一点,并以真正的优越性的方式利用了这一点对工作现场组织和计划的知识。他将自己变成了我有荣幸与之合作的最好的校长和经理。”




These include the Sandcastle I and II condominium towers in Marco Island, Fla., that were the first mid-rise (15 stories) hurricane-proof residential buildings built on the state's Gulf of Mexico coast when completed in 1982 and 1983. Rieser was the project concrete superintendent.

莱克说:“有140英里 /小时的代码要求,较低级别的隔离墙以及许多其他要求。”“唐组织了船员,完成了混凝土工作,然后陷入困境,也完成了所有完成工作。他非常多功能。”

Rieser负责的芝加哥混凝土结构包括贝特兰·戈德堡(Bertrand Goldberg)的滨海城市塔楼和水塔广场,购物中心,酒店,剧院和公寓,位于74层高层上升,这是1975年完成的世界上最高的混凝土结构。1975年开始建设后,雷耶斯(Rieser)被引入时,这是落后的。



"During concrete pours, many 13-hour days were the norm," says Rieser's son James. "Many times on Saturdays I would tag along. One of my best memories is when he brought me along on a concrete bridge demolition and let me push the plunger to blow it up."

The elder Rieser was an early proponent of minority hiring at McHugh.

"In the very early '70s, he had a lot of African-Americans in his crew, including in key positions. He had one of the very few black foremen in the city at that time, John Randall," Lake says, as well as Hispanic crew members.. Reiser "didn't care what color your skin was. He was definitely about the quality of your character as far as that goes."

Blas Belmonte, hired by Rieser in 1982 on the Sandcastle I and II project, rose to become a senior estimator at McHugh before becoming a soccer coach in south Florida and retiring from McHugh.


Belmonte recalls one key piece of advice from Rieser that he never forgot: "He said 'If you stay close and listen you will learn.' I did that, even at times when I did not understand. As it always happens at the end of the day, you got it."

Adds Belmonte: "I worked for him until the day he retired. For that, I am eternally grateful. He started my career off and gave me the knowledge I needed."