NJ Transit取消了一项长期的计划,在新泽西州的Meadowlands中建造了140兆瓦,估计耗资5.46亿美元的天然气发电厂,旨在在纽约市附近旅行的一座旅行的铁路走廊中提供电力备份,而是宣布将建造它将建造使用可再生能源和电池存储的微电网。

The agency said at an Oct. 21 board meeting it seeks to hire a renewable energy consultant to oversee new design-build options for its microgrid called NJTRANSITGRID, has set an Oct. 28 meeting to brief design and construction contenders and will issue a request for qualifications on Nov. 25 to assess eligible submitters.

在前州长克里斯·克里斯蒂(Chris Christie)(R)管理期间,最初的化石燃料驱动项目强烈反对环境组织和最接近原定48英亩的植物遗址的环境组织和13个社区。该工厂还与他的成功菲尔·墨菲(Phil Murphy)(D)颁布的新​​的州清洁能源规定,后者于2018年上任。

"We’re now in the process of reimagining this process to make it as environmentally friendly as possible,” NJ Transit CEO Kevin Corbett said at the agency board meeting, at which members voted unanimously for the revamped project. It is expected to use about $409 million in federal funds awarded to the original project to prevent a recurrence of system outages that hobbled rail travel after Superstorm Sandy in 2012.

A microgrid can operate autonomously when the commercial power grid is disrupted.

The agency said it will offer up to a $1-million stipend for each of four eligible proposals and has a total of about $3 million in compensation earmarked, with a proposal request to be issued in December 2021 and a contract set for award a year later.

NJ Transit said the new plan would incorporate wind, solar and hydrogen fuel cell technology and battery storage into the plant approach “to the greatest extent possible,” which could also include a 100% renewable option.


新泽西塞拉俱乐部主任杰夫·蒂特尔(Jeff Tittel该机构有史以来做出的变化。”
