Like an aging Hollywood diva attempting to attract new roles, Los Angeles International Airport is getting a $1.5-billion makeover in order to better appeal to airlines and customers. A gleaming 1.3-million-sq-ft addition to the Tom Bradley International Terminal, dubbed Bradley West, headlines the city's largest public-works project.


“This is an effort not to grow the existing airport but to grow the quality of service,” says Michael Doucette, chief planner with the airport operator Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA). The Bradley West project will replace more than half of the 27-year-old existing terminal, including the north and south concourses, but will retain the core building while expanding west.


The existing terminal received an interim $723.5-million interior face-lift, completed last year by a joint venture of Clark Construction Group LLC and McCarthy Building Cos.Inc. Dallas的Walsh Construction Co.和Austin Commercial Inc.的合资企业现在持有两家危险经理合同,总计12.6亿美元,拥有1.2812亿美元的所有者应变。

沃尔什·奥斯汀(Walsh Austin)合资企业在2010年2月在130万平方英尺的18盖特项目上破土动工。由丹佛总部位于丹佛的Fentress Architects设计,这座七层楼高的Bradley West建筑具有311,000平方英尺的拱形铝制屋顶垂直玻璃和倾斜的玻璃,提供无柱的空间以及飞机场和山脉的景色。重叠的波浪状形式唤起了海洋。杜塞特指出,必须将各种弯曲面板形成异地并精确地设置在位置。

The new terminal will fulfill Qantas' and other carriers' demands that LAX accommodate more supersized planes, such as the Airbus A380. Nine of the 18 gates will accommodate the double-decker aircraft. “We will open up one north gate early to accommodate Qantas flights by late 2012,” says Doucette.


“This is a large project dead-center on the airport property, directly adjacent to the existing terminal building, with very little downtime because it's an international terminal,” says Joe Thompson, project principal with Walsh Austin JV. “As a result, there is almost no staging space on-site. We have three storage and laydown properties off-site, about two miles away, and we're looking to add a fourth property.”

180英尺高的布拉德利·韦斯特(Bradley West)将由新的4.38亿美元的中央工厂提供服务,该工厂将取代机场现有的50年历史的工厂。Clark/McCarthy合资公司是设计建造承包商。T形综合体位于Lax主题大楼以西,将容纳8兆瓦的共同生成动力装置,再加上160万加仑的热储能罐,9台锅炉和9台冷水机,共有20,000吨冰冷的水容量。它的效率将比机场现有的中央工厂高25%。

Syska Hennessy Group Inc.高级副总裁William Larwood说,不仅在该地区仍在该地区罕见的设计建筑,还可以用于机械工程设计设计。