国家建筑学院Instead of coming up on stage at the National Academy of Construction’s annual meeting in Boston this year, I joined 36 industry leaders on the group’s virtual stage on Oct. 29. The industry leaders for the Class of 2020 were selected to build the academy’s body of expertise, and I was there to receive the Ted C. Kennedy Award.


当前的课程包括汤姆·索耶(Tom Sawyer),以洞察力的行业新闻荣誉。汤姆(Tom)是新利luckEnr的资深技术编辑,现已退休,但为我们咨询。他是成为会员的第四位ENR编辑。新利luck编辑名誉艺术福克斯(Art Fox)于2016年去世,于2001年入选。我于2010年紧随其后,名誉霍华德·斯图斯曼(Editor Editor Howard Stussman)于2014年入选。

学院的工作人员将Ted C. Kennedy奖牌运送给了我,所以我可以在仪式上获得。当我打开盒子看着泰德的脸时,我充满了回忆。我首先从Enr的页面中知道了开放式运动的先驱,而BE&K的创始人之一是新利luck专注于人的承包商。BE&K的工业建设项目明显更多的女性和有色人种拉动了电线并焊接18luck官网管道 - 它的门似乎比80年代其他许多公司更开放。

Ted, who died in 2012, was a regular at ENR’s Award of Excellence event, and a two-time ENR newsmaker—in 1981 for his contributions to craft training and in 1989 for his efforts to “preserve the contractor’s right to manage its projects in the face of an almost unprecedented campaign by labor unions against his company and clients.” Later, I saw him in action through various organizations such as CURT and NAC, where he worked with organized labor and owners to boost construction safety, productivity and ethics.

赢家选择反映泰德的承诺people, ethics, innovation, education, safety, and generosity. For me, all that represents Engineering New-Record, where we work hard at truly professional journalism. We have an amazing team of talented writers, editors and data analysts—I would have had no distinguished career without them. We deliver intelligence that helps construction’s fragmented sectors understand they are part of a larger industry. Ted came to believe that associations, professions, trades and companies that only guard their own turf hold back progress, and that we have it within our power to make things different and better. Thanks, Ted, for setting the stage.