The airport development sector is preparing for the eventual return of international and business travel by taking another look at deployment and delivery of capital programs, speeding up technology implementation and finding ways to reassure the flying public. Big questions include the timeframe for recaptured passenger growth and whether a recovery stimulus package will take off anytime soon.

机场国际委员会前总干事安吉拉·吉滕斯(Angela Gittens)说,机场将在大多数情况下继续进行资本计划,但“项目特征将发生许多变化”。18luck官网她告诉小组年度会议11月10日,她对参与者说:“对以前可能已经摆脱困境的物品会有更多的兴趣,例如部分私有化或短期内获得收入的创造性方式。”

CAG Holdings首席战略官Ginger Evans警告说,恢复,无论其时间范围如何,都会“刺耳而颠簸”。她说,明年的机场将需要考虑对终端租赁协议的费率和费用的短期调整,以防止交通量。

Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta国际机场总经理约翰·塞尔登(John Selden)表示,其资本计划正在100%。全球最繁忙的旅客机场在大流行前拥有1.14亿年的年度乘客,该设施拥有75亿美元的2030年总体规划。塞尔登说:“我们认为最终会回到[1.14亿]的数字。这是建造,交通减少和较少航班的好时机。”

But medium and smaller airports will have a harder time dealing with the financial impact of the pandemic than large and hub airports, said Gittens. Airports owned by municipalities must anticipate that those owners will have limited financial capacity to help them, she noted.

Panelists concurred that the current airport-airline-concessions model needs to be updated, particularly minimal annual guarantees regarding the rent paid to airports by tenants of the terminal.

“The concessions model, with minimal annual guarantees and rents and low percentages of gross revenues, is way outdated. Minimal annual guarantees should be minimal at best," Selden said. "Will airports take over some concessions and manage revenues through different franchise and contract agreements?”





Evans said leisure travel within the U.S. had been growing until October at a rate of about 2% a week—then dropped again as the next pandemic wave hit. “This will continue for a while,” she warned. “For a facility as complex as an airport, the only way to handle it is with automation and technology.”

Selden urged airport consultants to look at the age of facilities. “There’s so much repair and renewal work that needs to be done. Let’s get away from ‘let’s design this magnificent terminal’ to maintaining existing infrastructure, and upgrading it to be more resilient.”
