The emergency stabilization of the 36-year-old West Seattle Bridge reached a new milestone after external张贴后11月10日,释放了损坏的码头18轴承,使船员可以朝着碳纤维包裹大梁迈进。


Before the bulging and damaged bearing at Pier 18 could be released, Kraemer added external post-tensioning to support the existing internal post-tensioning system. The new strands run along the bottom of the girder interiors between post-tensioning brackets and through deviator blocks to help stabilize the bridge. Upon installation, which included bolting the new strands to brackets inside the girders between piers 15 and 18, crews tightened them 10%, allowing the bridge to move during the bearing release. Following the successful release of the bearing, the strands were fully tightened. They are designed to help prevent further cracking on the 2,600-ft-long high-rise structure crossing the Duwamish River between West Seattle and Harbor Island.

Kraemer也将取代侧轴承the east end of the bridge that allow the bridge to expand and contract with temperature and loading changes. The bearings—rectangular pieces of synthetic rubber neoprene—act as a cushion to separate the box girder from the column cap. The bearings at Pier 18 became compressed and bulged, restricting movement of the bridge and creating additional pressure on the surrounding area, transferring stress through the bridge.

The next step will be to wrap girders in carbon fiber to provide additional strength.

金属制造商的Vigor通过将结构钢制作为临时访问平台并创建48个钢制支架,为Kraemer提供了支持,每个钢制托架重量在3,500至4,500磅之间,用于张紧后。Vigor生产制造副总裁克里斯·帕尔默(Chris Palmer)说,Vigor在桥梁的阴影下在海港岛上建造和维修船只“对保存安全有既得的兴趣”。

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan is still weighing her options on the future of the bridge. Withhntb, a task force has conducted a cost-benefit analysis on the options, which now include a full repair, superstructure replacement, full replacement or a tunnel. Durkan will host a virtual town hall on Nov. 16 to get feedback from the community. The final decision rests with Durkan.
