长达数年的法律斗争正在密歇根州和第5行管线操作员Enbridge Inc.之间再次升温,该州采用合法举动on Nov. 13 aimed at shutting down the line in 180 days. The twin pipeline carries light crude oil and natural gas liquids beneath the Straits of Mackinac.

Canada-based Enbridge says it will fight the state’s revocation of an easement granted 67 years ago that allows for extension of the 4-mile pipeline through the straits that connect Lake Michigan and Lake Huron.

恩布里奇发言人瑞安·达菲(Ryan Duffy)在一封电子邮件中说:“我们将在法庭上回应。”

Echoing concerns of environmentalists who have long wanted to see the pipeline closed, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), said in a statement that safety and environmental concerns spurred the decision to cease the transport of oil through the under-water pipeline.


“Most importantly, Enbridge has imposed on the people of Michigan an unacceptable risk of a catastrophic oil spill in the Great Lakes that could devastate our economy and way of life.”

Enbridge contends that the state has no credible basis to shut down the two-legged pipeline that transports about 23 million gallons of light crude oil and natural gas liquids daily between Superior, Wis., and Sarnia, Ontario.

该公司液体管道总裁Vern Yu在一份声明中说:“正如1953年的地役权所设想的那样,第5行仍然是安全的,并且最近由我们的联邦安全监管机构确认。”

The pipeline operator also accused the Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources, a plaintiff in the case, of not being transparent when it conducted an assessment of the pipeline’s easement compliance, and further asserted that the DNR rejected the company’s offer to allow technical experts to discuss any questions or clarifications related to its review.


“With today’s actions by the Governor and Attorney General, based on historical Line 5 compliance, Enbridge finally will have an opportunity to review the DNR’s analysis and provide a thorough response through the legal process,” the company says.

国家在其terminati说on notice that it never should have granted the easement in the first place.


The governor's order does not affect an agreement reached in 2018 with former Gov. Rick Snyder (R), which allows for the replacement of the pipeline’s underwater portion with a new segment that would be contained within a tunnel to be drilled through bedrock beneath the straits.

Enbridge is continuing to advance the $500-million Great Tunnel project and is seeking the required state and federal permits.



“It’s 67 years old. It’s exceeded its life cycle and is under engineered to withstand the forces of nature,” said Roger Gauthier, treasurer of the Straits of Mackinac Alliance, a group of individuals and businesses seeking to eliminate the threat of crude oil and natural gas pipelines in the Straits.
