Addressing climate change and its effects is one of President-elect Joe Biden’s top four priorities.必须将清洁能源部门种植起来,以实现其新政府在全经济中的目标,到2050年,到2050年,零排放的目标是2035年的目标,即“无碳污染权力部门”的目标,并计划重新加入2015年巴黎的2015年巴黎唐纳德·特朗普总统宣布将撤回的协议,该诉讼于11月4日生效。


See more ENR 2020 election transition coverage onlabor, theborder walltransportation.

Rejoining the agreement will likely lead the administration “to put a lot of money into increasing the use of renewable energy, and construction projects will have to factor that into their planning and designs,” says Raymond Lodato, University of Chicago assistant instructional professor in the Environmental and Urban Studies and Public Policy Studies programs.

“Already, red states like Texas are investing heavily in renewable energy despite the lack of direction from the federal government," he says. "Any project currently in the planning stages should be trying to limit the carbon impact of both the construction and the built project as much as possible.”

Industry also is anxious to finally see real progress in enacting an infrastructure funding program, a Trump promise that failed to materialize, that could boost clean power and other environmental infrastructure. "An infrastructure bill would help put our nation back to work, with a tangible outcome from the money spent. Improvements to our water infrastructure, clean water, wastewater and surface runoff are long overdue," says Jay McQuillen, director of federal operations for Garney Construction. "The new administration should also encourage use of alternative delivery construction methods to bring projects to completion more quickly."

In a conference call with congressional leaders, the president-elect and members noted the clean-energy and environmental sector’s potential to fuel bipartisan solutions for climate change and the need for well-paying union jobs.

工作潜力已经产生了行动,Nov. 19 announcement他们说。

"Our highly trained men and women professionals now will gain new experience in deep-water ocean work," said building trades' President Sean McGarvey, who added that the pact follows one between Orsted and 300 union craft trades who built the 30-MW Block Island wind farm off the Rhode Island coast, completed in 2017.


太阳能行业的屁股ociation’s legislative and regulatory agendas to put the U.S. on a path to 100% clean energy includes infrastructure, job programs and “most urgently” a new tax policy that rapidly expands the use of solar energy, says Lyle Rawlings, president of New Jersey-based Advanced Solar Products and vice president of a 62-member group cooperative.



Looking Offshore

Offshore wind is likely to play a central role in Biden’s energy agenda, said Ed Crooks, vice chair of industry research firm Wood Mackenzie.

While serving in the U.S. Senate from Delaware, Biden was an early supporter and strong proponent of offshore wind-energy development, says Jim Lanard, a former executive with Blue Water Wind, which was developing a windfarm off the state’s coast at the time.

Through mandates or goals, states are committed to nearly 30 GW of renewable energy. “But in the east, there is not a lot of space for solar or land-based wind, so the only way those standards can be met is with offshore wind,” Lanard says.

项目开发人员倡导小组的Offshore Wind商业网络政策总监Brandon Burke表示,联邦批准(可能是到年底时)的最终环境许可证,即美国第一个主要商业规模项目的最终环境许可证可以快速加快其他签名。投资者必须看到的市场确定性,以证明大型制造投资是合理的。”



N.J.'s New Bar for States, Feds

该角色于11月18日重点关注,新泽西州宣布州与电网操作员PJM Interconnect之间的联盟,共同开发将成为现有状态传输系统的第一个离岸风能连接,这可能会成为区域枢纽。

New Jersey's Board of Public Utilities now will seek bid proposals in first-quarter 2021 for design and construction options for onshore system upgrades, potential offshore platforms to collect energy from multiple wind farms, and an ocean transmission "backbone" to channel collected power from multiple state facilties and offshore lease areas.


New Jersey has a goal of 7,500 MW of offshore wind by 2025.

"I am optimistic that with the changing of the guard in Washington, a more functional FERC will be cooperative with regional grids," said Joseph Fiordaliso, board president. "The future is bright."

内部部门的下一步。奥西局an Energy Management is to lease more area on the outer continental shelf for wind projects, including segments farther out to sea that will minimize conflicts with commercial and military interests.




Offshore wind “is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to create jobs, expand companies and push American innovation,” says Burke.

Fossil Fuels-What's Ahead?


“Fossil is not going to do well, but not as poorly as expected,” says David Dismukes, a Louisiana State Univeristy professor and executive director of its Center for Energy Studies. He expects a temperate, research-focused movement toward renewable energy, much like occurred in the Obama administration.


Biden has said he will transition away from fossil fuels and will ban hydraulic fracking on public land, but Dismukes says politics will play a role in administration follow-through if officials are concerned about the outcome of midterm elections in 2022—pointing out that energy was a key issue in a number of House races that Republicans won from Democrats tin the current election.

“当您深入研究众议院和参议院的结果时,这次选举实际上是美国能源领导和数以百万计的工作和经济利益的压倒性胜利。”行业虚拟论坛。他曾担任共和党多数党领袖约翰·博纳(John Boehner)和乔治·W·布什(George W. Bush)总统的特别助理,他还指出,API向拜登团队(Biden Team)指出,向未来的气候变化和放松管制政策提供了行业的意见。




Clearview Energy分析师Kevin Book,在最近的Platt中播客, said the administration is likely to slow-walk permits for fossil-fuel projects, including the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, through FERC and other agencies.

“这将是一条艰难的道路,可以通过FERC进行管道和液化天然气设施。他们将非常审查。” Dimukes同意。



Bracewell’s Policy Resolution Group, a lobbying firm in Washington D.C., says the relationship between the Biden campaign and organized labor— Brad Markell, executive director of the AFL-CIO's industrial union council, was named to the U.S. Energy Dept. transition team—suggest that “policies undermining energy and manufacturing growth will fail to gain traction, at least as long as the U.S. seeks a path of sustainable economic recovery.”

环境al Changes

气候弹性还将在新政府的领导下得到提升。退休的少校迈克尔·J·沃尔什(Mains Michael J. Walsh)是前美国陆军工程兵团副司令民事和紧急行动总司令,他现在是政策顾问道森(Dawson)及其同事的高级顾问,他说,他希望为一项基础设施法案提供资金,该法案为Corps投资,这些法案投资了,该法案投资了,该法案投资了,该法案投资了,该法案投资了该法案18luck官网已经接受了研究和授权,尤其是那些为沿海和河流越来越多的气候而保护的保护措施。

Luis Casado, water line director for Gannett Fleming, agreed. "The integration of resiliency as part of the solution is a must, as it provides for adaptation and a future that preserves quality of life." He added "We don’t have time to spare in much of our infrastructure — water, wastewater, and all infrastructure needs have risen to a critical level. Cooperation between federal, state, and local government agencies is key to providing solutions as well as the trillions of dollars required to get our infrastructure in working order. It is through this cooperation that attainable, scaleable, and constructible solutions can be reached. "



自然资源国防委员会首席执行官吉娜·麦卡锡(Gina McCarthy)在奥巴马总统领导下的前EPA行政长官吉娜·麦卡锡(Gina McCarthy)在博客文章中指出,农村,城市和部落社区还可以看到野火,风暴和洪水弹性以及公共土地和水恢复工作的增加。

