Lori E. Lightfoot市长的37亿新元,五年的资本支出计划通过芝加哥市议会的财务委员会于11月18日通过Aldermen的22-10票获得批准。从腐烂的桥梁到坎bump的道路和侵蚀密歇根湖的海岸线,修复了数十年历史的芝加哥老化基础设施的积压focus of the plan.

The 26-page capital plan is scheduled to be voted on by the full city council on Monday.

该计划概述了一项计划,该计划将针对37亿美元,以在该市所有77个社区进行基础设施投资。Lightfoot称该资本计划是“一项雄心勃勃的运动,旨在投资芝加哥的居民和企业。”但是,该计划(Lightfoot Administration及其管理和预算办公室的第一台)比当时的拉姆·伊曼纽尔(Rahm Emanuel)于2018年提交的最后一项资本改进计划要精简,这是在大流行和随后的封锁影响城市收入之前的销售和诸如销售等城市的收入之前提交的。运输税。那五年计划, expected at the time to end in 2022, called for $8.7 billion in infrastructure spending.

Some parts of the plan include $216 million for aldermen to pursue infrastructure programs in each of their own wards, a controversial, political perk known as the aldermanic menu which allows them to address specific local infrastructure needs.

The plan calls for $230.5 million to fund 60 bridge repair and replacement projects and $24.4 million to fix underpasses and viaducts. About $250 million would pay for street resurfacing and $112 million would go to replace light poles and lighting.



The city plans to fund the 2021 and 2022 construction through proceeds from General Obligation bonds, a total of $1.4 billion in new borrowing. A previously announced programto replace connections from residences to city sewersis not a part of the plan.


One of aldermen who voted against the plan in the finance committee is Ald. Ray Lopez (15th Ward) said he believes it comes up short in many ways.

“What the mayor has proposed is neither comprehensive or inclusive,” he said. “To be perfectly honest, I have no idea how she’s prioritized or quantified the projects being listed in the communities.”

He said an overall strategy would better prioritize projects.

“If we were going to have a universal strategy, the first thing we’d do is scrap the aldermanic menu,” he said. “No longer would we need to inefficiently spend millions on projects here and there. We’d actually set a course for five years of improvements and knock out as many of the big ticket items as possible.”

Lopez also believes borrowing to fund the plan is financially perilous. Instead of borrowing, he said capital improvements should be funded by a dedicated tax, such as an increase in the gas tax.

“You’d have to look at when it’s economically feasible to have that kind of stable revenue source,” he said. “But borrowing is not a stable revenue source.”

Ald. Gilbert Villegas (36th Ward) supports the plan.


The plan also places a priority on using minority, women-owned and locally owned businesses.

Here are some of the line items of the plan:

  • 主教菜单程序:两年内的2.16亿美元,包括每年的菜单预算从132万美元增加到150万美元。
  • Bridges and Viaducts完成th: 1.643亿美元e funding for 23 bridge replacement projects, $66.2 million for 37 bridge repair projects, $16.9 million to rehabilitate 13 underpasses; and $7.5 million to begin the process of improving vertical clearance at 5 viaducts.
  • 路面重铺: $250.4 million for residential and arterial street resurfacing based on the Pavement Condition Index and ADA Ramp needs. This also funds the reconstruction of 37 Works Progress Administration streets annually along with 100 new green alleys to improve drainage and sustainability; one green alley in each ward every year.
  • Street Lighting: $112.3 million to replace 4,000 aging light poles, complete replacement of 300 blocks of lighting infrastructure, and strategic wiring stabilization repairs.
  • Traffic Signals:2840万美元,以现代化该市历史上资金不足的交通信号系统。
  • 人行道和行人通行权: $112.2 million for sidewalk repair (hazardous, vaulted, shared sidewalk programs, ADA ramps, curb and gutter, and alley aprons) to increase accessibility and public safety.
  • Complete Streets:4,900万美元用于改进自行车道,优先巴士路线,人行道标记和视觉零行人安全项目。18luck官网1.042亿美元用于资助24个街景项目,其中包括投资南/西走廊的项目。18luck官网600万美元种植12,000棵树。
  • Waterways: $12.3 million for the reconstruction of 1 mile of lakeshore encompassing Morgan Shoal and the expansion of the Calumet River Dredging Facility to ensure clean waterways for commerce on the Calumet River.
  • Facilities:1.325亿美元用于翻新和系统升级到公共设施,例如家庭和支持服务中心,芝加哥公共卫生部,芝加哥公共图书馆,数十个非公共面孔设施。该预算还包括对城市拥有的土地的环境修复以及拆除危险建筑物。
  • 设备: $162.1 million for the city’s fleet, equipment, and IT systems.