
前Scana Corp.首席执行官凯文·马什(Kevin Marsh)将对联邦政府犯下与V.C.有关的邮件和电汇欺诈的指控认罪。根据11月23日在南卡罗来纳州联邦地方法院提出的认罪协议,夏季核扩建项目。



一个substantial financial penalty will also be imposed, with federal and state authorities agreeing that “the appropriate amount of federal-criminal forfeiture and/or state criminal restitution is $5 million,” with $3 million of that amount to be paid by Marsh prior to sentencing.


在南卡罗来纳州美国检察官办公室宣布与认罪协议达成的大约四个月后,沼泽协议达成了大约四个月。斯蒂芬·伯恩(Stephen Byrne),前SCANA执行副总裁向Marsh报告。伯恩还被指控犯有邮件和电汇欺诈。

一个complaint filed Feb. 27 by the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission noted that both Marsh and Byrne, as SCANA’s senior management, “publicly touted the construction schedule and the company receiving $1.4 billion in federal tax credits” for the roughly $10-billion nuclear expansion project, “despite knowing that the schedule was unreliable and the tax credits were at risk.”
