Portland, Maine’s recently implemented绿色新交易(GND)担心一些州承包商担心如果不能遵守选民批准的条例在1月1日生效的严格的学徒要求,他们担心被取消资格退出该市的公共工作。

“If you don’t have an [apprenticeship] program or have one but don’t meet the 10% threshold, you have to make a decision whether to modify your company to bid for work in Portland or find work somewhere else,” says Matt Marks, CEO of the Associated General Contractors of Maine.

Already in effect for public or city-funded projects awarded on or after Dec. 6, the citizen initiative referendum was approved by 57% of Portland's voters on Nov. 3. It aims to slow climate change, improve working conditions and create more affordable housing.



“There’s not another city working on a Green New Deal like ours,” says Ethan Strimling, Portland’s former mayor, who worked with People First to pass the initiative. “While many cities are passing strong environmental regulations, strong worker protection and strong affordable housing requirements, only this measure puts all three together in one ordinance.”

然而,将这三个人包装到该法令中,这正是反对者(例如Enew Development的校长Ethan Boxer-Macomber)称绿色新交易为“特洛伊木马”的原因。他位于波特兰的房地产公司落后于波特兰地区的几项负担得起和LEED认证的开发项目,并且是签署一封反对该措施的信件的10个开发商之一。Boxer-Macomber说:“它不是绿色的,这不是新事物,对波特兰来说是一件坏事。”

Portland Mayor Kate Snyder, along with seven city councilors, opposed all five referendum questions on the Nov. 3 ballot. In a陈述他们写道,他们“不一定反对投票问题的政策目标,而是他们开发的过程和背景,预期的意想不到的后果。”


缅因州伍尔维奇的里德和里德公司的董事长兼首席执行官杰克·帕克(Jack Parker)表示,该措施将“创建官僚流程的层次,减少对公共资助项目的竞争,并大大提高建筑劳动力成本。18luck官网18luck.cub“它将阻止对缅因州的投资,并扼杀缅因州的建筑业。”

City data on the number of public and private projects that will be required to adhere to the measure was not immediately available.

Up for Interpretation

缅因州国家建筑贸易委员会主席约翰·纳波利塔诺(John Napolitano)表示,他的组织成功地倡导与绿色新交易中的规定有关,与劳动力培训,更安全的工作现场和公平工资有关。他说:“我们很高兴波特兰的选民中有近60%同意是时候执行这些关键政策了。”


While the city published implementation准则12月4日,包括承包商在内的许多利益相关者认为,要求仍然令人困惑和不清楚。例如,马克斯说,他不清楚合格专业人员的设计,建筑和建筑的定义,需要对LEED,AP,AP,被动房屋,绿色地球仪或类似设计的认可培训。




Green Labor

Among itsthree major components, the measure introduces requirements for building projects receiving $50,000 or more in public funds to comply with wage and benefit requirements. It also calls for workers to complete safety training.


Of the 30,000 construction workers currently working in Maine, less than 1% are in an apprenticeship program registered with the state, Marks says, noting “it takes time for contractors to get their program registered and get people into the program.”

Greg Payne, director of the Maine Affordable Housing Coalition—which opposed the measure—says the apprenticeship requirement could stymie affordable housing projects in Portland. He contacted every contractor that built a Portland affordable housing project in the past decade to determine if they thought they would qualify to bid on a future project under a 25% apprenticeship requirement, “and every one of these modest-sized companies said no.”

