蒂姆·斯托克斯Honnen设备有限公司已任命蒂姆·斯托克斯作为公司新的客户和产品支持总监。在过去的18年中,他在农业约翰·迪尔(John Deere)的经销店工作。Stokes接管了Dean Hirt Jr.,在Honnen工作了30多年后,他将退休。

PCL建筑已雇用José Gómez作为总部位于丹佛的美国运营的多样性和包容性新任总监。PCL也已雇用肖恩·穆里根(Sean Mulligan)as director, mission critical. He will support business planning and focus on identifying and pursuing data center and mission critical projects.

The American Council of Engineering Cos. of Colorado recently honored瑞安·洛夫图斯(Ryan Loftus)在利特尔顿(Littleton)的斯特林设计协会(Sterling Design Associates)是该协会年度最佳专业人士。Loftus在该公司实施了新的AutoCAD和Civil3D标准,制作了培训手册并进行了教学研讨会。

Christine Britton,a project engineer with JVA Inc.’s structural and historic preservation department, was recently elected president of the board of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Association for Preservation Technology.她的任期将持续一年。

乔·霍夫乔·霍夫已加入CSHQA,成为该公司博伊西办公室的机械高级工程师5。CSHQA还宣布了新的和返回的成员董事会成员。斯科特·马洛尼(Scott Maloney), senior partner and founder of Crain & Co., Denver, has been selected as second outside director from the business community.丹妮尔·韦弗(Danielle Weaver),高级建筑师被选为额外的三年任期,Gabe Caretto,财务经理被任命为新任董事,也任期三年。返回导演是吉姆·奥特拉多斯基(Jim Otradosky), chair;马克·吉尔;吉姆·马什(Jim Marsh);Ruthie Heikkila;杰西·戈德曼(Jesse Goldman);和Emily Baker,博伊西波特曼广场集团的创始人兼执行合伙人。

安德森·哈拉斯(Anderson Hallas)建筑师已雇用切尔西·鲁尼作为项目架构师。她拥有克莱姆森大学(Clemson University)的建筑学士学位,并获得了历史保存硕士学位,专注于哥伦比亚大学的建筑设计。

JVA Inc.已晋升凯文·维奇亚雷利(Kevin Vecchiarelli)给军官,担任副总统的头衔,Cody Gratnyto principal. Vecchiarelli has been with the JVA civil team in the Winter Park, Colo., office since 2005. Gratny has been promoted to civil principal and Boulder civil department manager.

黛布拉·约翰逊(Debra A. Johnson)RTD欢迎黛布拉·约翰逊(Debra A. Johnson)as its new CEO and general manager. Johnson has more than a quarter-century of leadership experience at some of the largest transit agencies in the country. Johnson is the first woman to serve as CEO in the agency’s 51-year history and takes over during a transitional year for RTD, with service changes and budget challenges brought about by the pandemic.

SUNDT Construction Inc.已晋升凯德·罗利(Cade Rowley)该公司运输集团的高级副总裁兼西南部和国际区域经理。罗利(Rowley)负责监督整个亚利桑那州,新墨西哥州,犹他州和南加州的大型民用建设工作。罗德尼·布莱格(Rodney Braegger)已加入SUNDT,担任盐湖城办公室的高级估算员。在最近担任一家重型民事公司的高级估计师之后,他以30多年的建设经验来到了该公司。