Skanska USA Southeast面临着其风暴造成的彭萨科拉湾建筑驳船的越来越多的诉讼,已要求联邦法院确定海上法律是否限制了该公司对事件造成的损害赔偿的责任。

二十七个驳船,是55个老板舰队的一部分,用于构建平行结构,用于彭萨科拉和海湾微风之间现有的三英里过境9月15日当萨利飓风以超过100 mph的持续风速靠近墨西哥湾沿岸。至少有四艘船只袭击并严重损坏了这座历史一年的混凝土桥,迫使其立即关闭交通。大多数驳船最终在彭萨科拉地区周围的各个地方搁浅。


Skanska’s five federal district court filings, each for a separate vessel, contend that the company took “reasonable steps” to secure the barges in advance of the storm, but that “unforeseeable and extreme winds, waves and storm surge” caused them to break away from their moorings.


在先前的公开声明中,Skanska表示,其准备工作是基于36小时的预测,要求萨利飓风将登陆作为彭萨科拉湾以西约200英里的热带风暴。承包商说,在暴风雨方法的最后几个小时内,向东的轨道转移和强化幅度为时已晚,无法采取行动。萨莉(Sally)最终在阿拉巴马州海湾浅滩(Gulf Shoals)附近岸上,位于该项目地点以西约30英里处。

Alternatively, Skanska “without admitting but affirmatively denying all liability” asks the federal court to apply another facet of the law that would cap the company’s liability to each barge’s approximate value, which range in the filings from $125,000 to $550,000, the later for a vessel described as 120-ft long, 55-ft wide and with a draft of seven feet. Skanska has also posted a separate bond for each vessel as security for potential liability.