Fluor Corp.在上次政府和项目指控内部审计引起的最后一次延迟的四分之一归档文件中,报告了与Covid-19-19的收入短缺,但比预期的利润率更高。



瑞士信贷分析师杰米·库克(Jamie Cook)说:“ Fluor现在是最新的财务申请和债务义务。”“问题项目继续按计18luck官网划进行……反映更好的执行。”


Backlog declined 4%, with $543 million removed as the contractor has exited the Maryland Purple Line rail public-private project.

But profit margins rose for Fluor’s energy and chemicals unit, “the highest in several years,” said UBS construction sector analyst Steven Fisher. Fluor will update 2021 guidance in February with its back-to-schedule year-end results report

Meanwhile, there was a new skirmish in Fluor’s lingering legal battle with Zurich American Insurance Co. over its coverage of an estimated $300 million in pollution claims linked to a Missouri lead smelter the contractor once owned.


But the court declined Fluor’s request to dismiss the suit and it set a trial for next summer.