一个疾病控制与预防中心委员会发布指南on Dec. 20 that suggest construction workers receive coronavirus vaccine shots in the program rollout's third phase, after they are provided in earlier stages to the elderly and to healthcare and other "frontline" essential workers.

The third phase could start from February to late spring 2021 if the vaccination program goes smoothly.

The guidelines, built on federal classifications for essential workers created earlier in the pandemic, are believed to cover all types of construction workers, regardless of project or trade, said Brian Turmail, a spokesman for the Associated General Contractors.

一个GC had clarified the point with CDC on Dec. 21 after an agency presentation on the rollout guidelines the day before seemed to indicate that only construction workers employed on housing and shelter-related projects belong in the third phase.


In general, states and cities will determine the order in which vaccines created to prevent COVID-19 will be provided,

在大流行中,几乎每位州长都发布了行政命令,概述了大流行期间被认为是“必不可少的”行业,通常包括医疗保健,食品服务和公共交通等等,”根据经济政策研究所的说法,- 倡导低收入和中等收入工人的坦克。

But during the pandemic, state and local officials and employers often used federal CDC guidelines as a baseline and reference to create rules for face coverings, social distancing and other safety practices.

联邦政府最近建议,劳工律师说,一般而言employers may require vaccination作为就业的条件。


CDC首席医疗官兼其免疫实践咨询委员会成员凯瑟琳·杜林(Kathleen Dooling)在一份演讲中说,该委员会必须一方面平衡防止疾病和死亡的平衡,并保留社会的平稳运作。

In the first two phases of the vaccine rollout, the committee recommended, doses should be given to the elderly, frontline-essential workers in health care and people with underlying conditions such as heart disease or diabetes.


While most construction work has continued during the pandemic, virus clusters and government orders have shut down some work for several days or weeks. Health data studied by scientists have indicated that construction jobsites can contribute to local outbreaks. There have been some projects, such as Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas, SoFi stadium in Los Angeles, where dozens of workers tested positive.

The biggest known construction cluster, at the Plant Vogtle nuclear reactor project in Georgia, is believed to have involved at least 800 workers who tested positive for the virus. Most returned to work.
