Garren EcholsGarren Echolshas joined Haydon Building Corp., Tempe, Ariz., as building division vice president. He spent the last six years with Sundt Construction, most recently as a project executive, and before that, seven years with Parsons.

Haydon also recently hiredGrant Larson作为其重型民用di分段装配主管vision. Larson joins Haydon with 22 years of experience in heavy civil and roadway construction. He previously served as preconstruction project manager with Sundt Construction.

埃里克·莱夫(Eric Leveque)埃里克·莱夫(Eric Leveque)已重新加入卡罗洛(Carollo)的拉斯维加斯办事处,担任高级副总裁,在民用和环境工程领域拥有30年的经验。

卡洛洛还任命了Dave Sobeckto serve as the firm’s managing director of marketing, based in the Phoenix office. For more than 20 years, Sobeck has provided expertise in municipal and private-sector planning, design and construction management of water and wastewater treatment, supply, distribution, reuse and infrastructure projects.

Mark Gross已晋升为西南客户服务总监。他在卡洛洛(Carollo)的23年经验包括设计和建设市政水基础设施和处理设施,建筑管理和运营援助。

Jim LauerJim Lauer已在其西南地区办事处重新加入了麦卡锡建筑,担任副总裁。他将领导该地区的航空,任务关键和医疗保健市场扩张计划。劳尔(Lauer)拥有超过35年的建设经验,在1980年代初期与麦卡锡(McCarthy)的职业生涯开始,并在该公司20年的时间里从劳动者到高级项目经理的职升。他在奥斯汀商业公司(Austin Commercial)工作了13年,最近三年担任DPR Construction的项目主管。

McCarthy also added four team members to its mission critical projects group in the Phoenix office.Ryan Fergusonwas hired as director of mission critical projects,Mike Clements作为构造经理,Pep Arballoas senior superintendent and大卫·马扎雷利(David Mazzarelli)作为高级项目经理。

McCarthy promoted three individuals in the firm’s water group.杰克·石头被提升为副总裁项目主管帕特·佩恩(Pat Payne)向项目总监和Sagrado Sparksto project director.

Travis McCarthySundt Construction, Tempe, Ariz., has promotedTravis McCarthy交通集团的副总裁兼西南地区经理。他将监督亚利桑那州,南加州和新墨西哥州的业务发展,前建设和运营。他以前曾担任副总裁兼运输集团运营经理。

SUNDT也晋升Melissa Love为了项目控制经理,Aaron Bond向项目经理,Lance Bemis为了项目负责人,Brody Slaugenhoup对于项目工程师,Emily Tuckerto project engineer andAmulya Rajuto project engineer II and hired马克斯·鲁恩克(Max Ruhnke)as a field engineer in its Tempe office.

In addition, Sundt promotedTom Bersbach向高级项目经理Courtney Hoytto project engineer II and hiredHudson Coxas a field engineer in its Tucson office.

美国设计建筑学院已任命Sundt的马蒂·赫德隆德(Marty Hedlund)作为2020年级dbia级同学的四个行业领导人之一。作为副总裁,赫德隆德(Hedlund)目前专注于所有办公室的设计建设交付。

Ronald R., Sundt senior vice president, general counsel and chief compliance officer, was elected a Fellow of the American College of Construction Lawyers. He is only the fourth Arizona attorney to receive the honor.

Tara BrownTara Brownhas joined the health care practice at HMC Architects, Phoenix, as principal-in-charge to bolster its growth and expertise in the Southwest region. Brown has experience in strategic planning and leading big room project teams. She also has a strong knowledge of health care clients’ key drivers and business challenges. She previously worked at architecture firms such as Shepley Bulfinch, Devenney Group and OWP/P (now CannonDesign).

理查德·罗托(Richard Rotto)理查德·罗托(Richard Rotto)在N.M. Aecom的Santa Fe雇用,是该公司区域结构集团中的高级运输项目经理。他在各种运输和公共工程项目中拥有丰富的民用和结构工程经验。18luck官网

柯克·麦克卢尔(Kirk McClure)柯克·麦克卢尔(Kirk McClure)最近加入了JE Dunn Construction。他拥有将近20年的业务发展和客户关系管理经验。作为JE Dunn西南部门的高级客户解决方案经理,McClure将领导战略参与工作,并继续在亚利桑那州市场建立牢固的关系。

Brian SandstromJCJ Architecture recently announced thatBrian Sandstromhas joined its Phoenix office as a senior project architect. Since earning his bachelor’s degree in architectural design from Arizona State University, Sandstrom has built a background in the design, management, construction administration and technical implementation of projects for a diverse range of clients in the public and private sectors.

Adolfson & Peterson Construction (AP), Phoenix, has promoted斯科特·萨利(Scott Salyer)向AP Southwest的区域经理,他将负责制定业务计划和风险管理计划,并推动业务成果和运营决策。美联社还欢迎业务发展总监梅利莎·贝内特(Melissa Bennett)和区域营销总监Amara Boesch.

凯尔·莱德贝特(Kyle Ledbetter)Archer Western Construction, Phoenix, has promoted凯尔·莱德贝特(Kyle Ledbetter)to senior project manager for the Arizona water group. Ledbetter joined Archer Western 15 years ago as a project engineer and has steadily advanced his career within the organization. He has experience building water and wastewater projects—ranging from $4 million to $150 million—with various collaborative project delivery methods.

Stephanie MillerTransportation planner, project manager and communications specialistStephanie Miller作为高级顾问重新加入了参数。她拥有25年的经验,开发了符合NEPA的运输计划研究和环境文件,促进会议,建立共识以及开发方法和材料,以向公众传达技术信息。她加入了该公司的阿尔伯克基办公室,并将从事西南地区的项目。18luck官网


William A. “Wink” Ames,87岁的Minard-ames Insurance的联合创始人,现在被称为Minard-Ames/Insurica,于11月15日去世。Ames在过去的53年中一直与承包商直接与承包商合作,其中最后40年也花在教授教学建筑业务的财务方面向成千上万的人提供。他于2013年入选美国国家建筑学院。

Ames was a veteran U.S. Air Force fighter pilot and was a regular guest lecturer in the Del E. Webb School of Construction at Arizona State University. In addition, he authored “Obtaining Surety Bonds for Contractors,” a part of the Construction Law Practice Manual for the State Bar of Arizona.