
NAIOP Massachusetts, which represents major commercial and residential developers, says the goals of the bill, which would slash emissions by 50% of 1990 levels by end of this decade, are laudable. The NextGen Roadmap bill even won praise from one of state’s largest business groups, Associated Industries of Massachusetts, as well as from environmental organizations.

“总的来说,当那些承诺进行了令人振奋的时候,”Naiop Massachusetts的政府事务尼古拉·尼古洛·尼古拉州说。

然而,Naiop Massachusetts,以及更大的波士顿房地产委员会,两组代表主要开发人员和与他们合作的许多公司表示,他们有关于他们争夺的法案中的具体规定的重大保留会推动建设18luck.cub成本并使开发昂贵且困难。

特别是,新通过的Nextgen RoadMap法案中的一项规定将使个别城市,城镇和郊区能够在经济仍然变动的时候犯下艰难的授权,净零能量建设规范可能会伤害建设和发展。

需要规则,因为“今年的项目和建筑物市政当局批准施工将在20518luck官网0年仍然很强劲,当时马萨诸塞州的全经经济在所有方面都必须推出”净零“排放,”州森说. Mike Barrett and Rep. Thomas Golden, both Democrats and the chairs of the Legislature’s climate change committee, in a statement. “So we give the force of law to the creation of a 'net zero stretch energy code'."

然而,对于开发人员来说,在新办公室或其他商业建筑中实现净零排放是“很少可以实现的”,特别是当涉及超过10个故事时,Niolaou Massachusetts争辩。

While some legislators have argued that a wave of new solar-power construction could help make net-zero a reality, Nicolaou is skeptical there is currently enough clean energy to fulfill demand.

“碳减少越来越重要 - 我们只需要确保我们以实用可行的方式达到那里,”她说。

The goal could drive up construction and maintenance costs, seriously undermining the feasibility of large-scale commercial or residential projects.

“Net zero increases the cost of construction … current rents would not be able to cover the increases,” Nicolaou said. “It could have the effect of driving our innovation economy right out of the state.”



But as it stands now, there is no definition yet of what net-zero energy will mean in practical terms, or to what types of buildings it would apply to.

And while the tough new energy code would not go into effect unless it is adopted by various cities and towns, officials in Boston, Somerville and Cambridge, where the lion’s share of construction in Eastern Massachusetts takes place, wrote letters of support for the new legislation, Nicolaou said.

“Any project currently being planned or designed anywhere in Massachusetts will have to seriously consider moving forward without knowing what requirements will be in place,” she said.






Gov. Charlie Baker (R) released his own plan this week that would cut emissions by a sizable but slightly smaller 45% over the same time period.

Officials in Baker’s office have said the governor is reviewing the climate change bill passed by the state’s Democratic-controlled legislature, and have not indicated either way whether he will sign it.

Meanwhile, both development and real estate groups said they will also be keeping a close eye on new rules proposed by Boston officials to deal with another facet of climate change— more frequent flooding as sea level rise.


New projects bigger than 20,000 sq ft, in turn, would have to go through an additional step in the city review process, one that would require developers to make design changes or take other measures to deal with potential flooding.


立法者还向Baker的桌子发送了165亿美元的运输债券法案。该法案授权在公路和桥梁维护,培训现代化和MBTA等主要资本项目中的数十亿美元18luck官网红线蓝线连接器and the extension of commuter rail service to the South Coast. It also funds the approaches to the twoCape Cod Bridges..