
“Yesterday’s inexcusable violence and chaos at the Capitol makes clear that elected officials’ perpetuation of the fiction of a fraudulent 2020 presidential election is not only reprehensible, but also a danger to our democracy, our society and our economy,” read a Jan. 7statementfrom the Business Roundtable, which includes CEOs from AECOM, Bechtel, Caterpillar, Kiewit and owners such as Chevron and Intel. “It is only together that we can move forward to successfully confront our nation’s many challenges, chief among them ending the pandemic and ensuring a safe and rapid economic recovery.”

美国运输部秘书埃莱恩(Elaine Chao)也谴责了这一行动,宣布1月7日,她将于1月11日辞去职位,理由是“国会大厦”的“创伤性,完全可以避免”的袭击是原因。由于骚乱,她是第一个这样做的内阁级行政成员。美国教育部长贝西·德沃斯(Betsy Devos)辞职,并以骚乱为由。Chao已与参议院多数党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔(R-Ky。)结婚,这使她的辞职增加了重视。

North America’s Building Trades Unions’ President Sean McGarvey1月6日说that, “Today’s despicable events are unprecedented, and, as we have all seen, are extremely dangerous. North America’s Building Trades Unions call on President Trump to immediately step down and transfer power per the Constitution and the Presidential Succession Act of 1947,” he said in a statement Jan. 6. “If he refuses, the Cabinet must immediately invoke the 25th amendment to remove the President. Any less action by the Cabinet, and America should consider them all co-conspirators.”


The departure of Chao, however, makes the invocation of the 25th amendment more unlikely as a majority of members of the Cabinet and Vice President Mike Pence must agree to remove the president under the amendment.

AFL-CIO总统理查德·特鲁姆卡(Richard Trumka)于1月6日称特朗普总统的支持者对国会大厦的袭击,“自内战以来对我们民主的最大攻击之一。”他继续说道:“今天的尝试是多年的,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)始终向支持者吐出毒液,阴谋,仇恨和谎言。…这是违反每个守法美国人的宪法权利,而劳工运动不会代表它。今天不行。永远不会。”


“We believe the unfortunate, heartbreaking, events of yesterday will unify members of Congress and hopefully enable them to focus on passing measures that will heal our country, rebuild our economy and restore our spirits,” said the Associated General Contractors.

“Violence, no matter the location or purpose is never the answer. The core values that govern Associated Builders and Contractors and our 21,000 members reject violence, coercion and intimidation of anyone by anyone at any time,” the Associated Builders and Contractors said on Instagram.

Chao, in announcing her resignation said “we will help my announced successor, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, with taking on the responsibility of running this wonderful department.”

Transport Workers Union International President John Samuelsen issued a statement in response to Chao’s resignation: "Our democracy rests on the choices our leaders make to uphold and honor our civil procedures and norms. In the face of sedition and insurrection, Secretary Chao is making the choice to stand with our Constitution to oppose the violent attempt, fueled by President Trump, to subvert our democracy. The TWU calls on all elected leaders to make a similar choice to protect the soul of our nation and ensure a peaceful transition of power."