Three of four infrastructure development teams shortlisted to submit proposals for the first phase of Maryland’s multibillion-dollar program to add privately-financed tolled managed lanes to portions of the I-495/Capital Beltway and the I-270 corridor outside Washington, D.C., have have submitted their technical and financial packages, but one led by Dragados USA has opted not to move forward.

三个提交者的铅承包商包括Halmar International LLC和Itinera S.P.A.加速马里兰州合作伙伴团队;Transurban和Macquarie加速马里兰州Partners LLC;和Ferrovial Agroman US Corp for Capital Express Mopility Partners。

龙龙USA, which headed up Potomac Mobility Group as lead contractor, did not submit a bid. It has not commented publicly on its team’s decision not to pursue the project.


一些P3选择对手和观察员在圣诞节新年假期期间推测了加速的提案过程,但Lisa B.南姆林,I-270-Beltway P3计划的状态DOT总监,该团队在RFP采购细节草案中获得了根据one local report.

国家证实了山墙的12月31日从2017年和原子能机构自举行的立场退休,但没有发表评论,也没有评论她的下一个职位或继任者。她曾参与制定马里兰州的24亿美元的采购战略,为2011年完成的创新设计 - 建立项目,并担任2015年至2017年设计建立美国设计院副执行主任。

The state DOT plans to select a preferred partner in early February, and negotiate a 50-year progressive public-private partnership concession to design, build, finance, operate and maintain up to four tolled managed lanes on a five-mile section of the Beltway, with the priority component being a new Potomac River crossing to connect with northern Virginia’s Express Lane system.


一旦这两部分完成,开发团队将继续I-270 / Beltway车道在弗雷德里克的I-70中进入另外32英里。


The Beltway/I-270 managed lanes program has attracted controversy both for its potential impacts on environmentally-sensitive areas and adjacent neighborhoods, and Maryland’s rocky relationship with its P3 partner on the $2-billion Purple Line light-rail project, now more than two years behind schedule and in search of a new design-build team to complete major unfinished parts of the 16-mile, 22-station route through Montgomery and Prince George's counties.

这两个项目18luck官网都是由Gov. Larry Hogan(R)强烈支持的,他抚养人抚养人抚养三人州公共工程监督委员会,负责批准主要基础设施合同,包括涉及P3的人。


环城公路的反对者/ i - 270项目引用concerns ranging from utility relocation issues to the effects of bridge construction on an environmentally sensitive island in the Potomac River. The U.S. Navy, which operates numerous facilities adjacent to the area of construction, including Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, has said it will not cede any land for the managed lanes project. There were more than 3,000 comments submitted in response to the project's recent environbmental impact statement

Meanwhile, the Purple Line’s development team has requested qualification submittals from design-build teams interested in taking over the light-rail line, which has been progressing at a substantially scaled-back pace since original contractor and investment partner Fluor Corp. left the project last summer in a dispute with MDOT over responsibility for delays and cost overruns.

Having reached a settlement with the state last fall, Purple Line Transit Partners, now made up of Meridiam and Star America, are leading the selection process with an eye toward having a new contractor in place by June, and resuming full-scale construction three months later.

Industry sources have speculated that selection of a new contractor will entail consideration of liability for the Fluor-led team’s work, and responsibility for costs above and beyond the original contract.

MDOT officials have not said what measures may be taken to make up time lost during the selection process, or whether it will add to the scope of agency-managed tasks that currently include bridge work, stormwater drainage, paving and utilities.