前密歇根州州长里克·斯奈德(Rick Snyder)(R)在1月14日对与弗林特水危机有关的两项轻罪指控不认罪,而另外两名前官员则面临此案的多重重罪杀人罪。

对9个人的共有42起指控源于污染了数千名弗林特居民的水,至少80人病了,并导致军团病死亡的12人死亡。这些指控是由州检察长达娜·内塞尔(Dana Nessel)提起的。被指控的人包括霍华德·克罗夫特(Howard Croft),前公共工程总监曾是两项故意忽视的罪名。


"Multiple investigations have demonstrated the real blame and responsibility for this tragedy lies with the local, state and federal government officials who failed the residents of Flint," Carrie K. Griffiths, senior vice president of Communications at Veolia North America said in a statement. "We are confident the facts and the truth will prevail. The Flint water crisis is a stark example and national symbol of what happens when government officials fail to do their duties then attempt to cover up their wrongdoing... Veolia North America would never and has never compromised public safety in the design or construction of projects."

韦恩·b·梅森律师代表洛克伍德,Andrews and Newnam, echoed those sentiments and expected a trial to being later this year.

"We feel strongly that culpability (for the Flint water crisis) lies with the state of Michigan and those folks, many of whom were indicted in the last few days," he said.


弗林特市长谢尔顿·尼利(Sheldon Neeley)在一份声明中表示,对前官员的指控表示赞赏。在其中9,900套房屋中发现铅或镀锌钢管并更换。

The city also has moved ahead in the last year on other infrastructure projects including beginning construction of a secondary water source, renovating water reservoirs, building a new chemical feed building and improving water quality monitoring efforts, Neeley said.


密歇根州检察长法德瓦·哈莫德(Fadwa Hammoud)在宣布指控后的一份声明中,密歇根州副检察长法德瓦·哈莫德(Fadwa Hammoud)说:“我们必须记住,弗林特水危机并不是过去的遗物。弗林特的人们继续遭受各级政府官员的绝对失败,他们践踏了他们的信任,并逃避了太长时间的责任。”


尼克·里昂(Nick Lyon)是斯奈德(Snyder)领导下的密歇根州卫生和公共服务部主任,他还于1月14日因重罪非自愿杀人罪和其他故意忽视职责的罪名而被提审。他对所有指控不认罪。


  • 斯奈德(Snyder)领导下密歇根州的前首席医学主管伊甸·威尔斯(Eden Wells)因九项非自愿过失杀人罪而被提审,两项不当行为罪名和一项故意忽视职责。她对所有指控不认罪。
  • 密歇根州卫生与公共服务部的孕产妇,婴儿和幼儿住所的前董事南希·佩勒因在任职期间的不当行为和轻罪指控责任忽视职责的两项重罪罪名被提审。
  • 斯奈德(Snyder)的前最高顾问里奇·贝尔德(Rich Baird)在调查,任职不当,妨碍司法和勒索时被控犯有伪证。他不认罪,如果被定罪,可能会在州监狱中面对20年。
  • 贾拉德·阿格(Jarrad Agen)是斯奈德(Snyder)的前助手,在调查传票期间因伪证重罪而被提审。
  • 在斯奈德政府期间,两名前应急管理人员被任命为管理弗林特市。杰拉尔德·安布罗斯(Gerald Ambrose)面临四项重罪不当行为。达内尔·厄利(Darnell Earley)面临两项故意忽视职责的罪名。两位前急救人员都不不认罪。

里昂的律师查尔斯·张伯伦(Charles E.


“The original charges filed in June 2017 were politically motivated and meritless, and after two years of baseless claims and personal attacks, they were dismissed,” he said.

Alexander Rusek, an attorney representing Croft, public works director at the time of the water switch, said his client is innocent of any wrongdoing in the crisis.


代表斯奈德的律师布莱恩·列侬(Brian Lennon)没有回复电子邮件或电话。



去年,州reached a $600-million settlement与受害者一起建立了受害者的法院监控赔偿基金。

Chief Judge Duncan Beagle of the Seventh Circuit in Genesee County appointed Judge David Newblatt to act as a one-man grand jury to investigate crimes related to the crisis. Indictments were issued after Newblatt listened to and evaluated the evidence presented, according to the solicitor general’s statement.