
价值1.32美元的合同been awarded to China Civil Engineering Construction Corp. and China Railway Construction Corp. after they edged out 18 international bidders for the tender advertised by Tanzania Railway Corp. in August 2020.

The contract was signed on Jan. 8 by Tanzania’s Foreign Affairs Minister Palamagamba Kabudi and his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi. The railway line will be constructed over a 36-month period, although no start date has been confirmed yet.

坦桑尼亚铁路公司managing director Masanja Kadogosa stated that the new contract “is a continuation of the ongoing construction of a modern railway, for which a tender was advertised and more than 18 international companies submitted bids.”

The Mwanza-Isaka line will consist of continuously welded rail on an alignment adjacent to the existing line, 15 meters away.

该线路上的乘客和货运速度分别设计为160 km/hr和120 km/hr。带车轴为35吨的新铁路线的火车将长2000 m,预计每年将承载110万乘客。

伊萨卡铁路(Mwanza)到伊萨卡铁路(Isaka Railway)部分是坦桑尼亚(Tanzania)建造的新的1596千公里SGR的批次,以减轻达累斯萨拉姆(Dar Es Salaam)到卢旺达,布隆迪(Burundi)和刚果东部民主共和国之间的货运。这些国家将通过通往伊萨卡的道路联系起来,新铁路线将暂时终止。

与2017年和2019年分别为土耳其建筑公司Yapi Merkezi Insaat ve Sanayi授予了Lot 1,Dar Es Salaam-Morogoro(300公里)和Lot 2,Morogoro-Makutupora(422公里)的合同。但是,坦桑尼亚尚未宣传铁路线的3号Makutupora-Tabora(371公里)和Tabora-Isaka(162公里)。

坦桑尼亚将在今年6月分配8.97亿美元的财政部后,将为姆万萨 - 伊萨卡线提供资金。预计下一个财政年度将获得政府的额外融资。

Moreover, Tanzania, with $200 million in World Bank financing, is rehabilitating and upgrading sections of the 2560-km line under the Tanzania Intermodal and Rail Project. The meter gauge line, just like the SGR, originates at the port of Dar es Salaam and terminates at Isaka with a road link to Rwanda, Burundi and Democratic Republic of Congo.

In a separate Africa move by foreign investors in the clean energy sector, Italian renewables developer Enel Green Power signed an agreement with Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) to jointly finance, buld and operate projects in South Africa and Zambia

QIA will acquire 50% of the stake that Enel Green Power holds in two complete and operational wind and solar projects in the two countries, and four others under construction, with a combined capacity of 769MW.

The Qatar group says it is "committed to supporting the transition to a low-carbon future, and we believe this investment can make a significant environmental and social impact,” said QIA CEO Mansoor bin Ebrahim Al-Mahmoud.

In Zambia, QIA will acquire its share in the 34MW Ngonye PV plant while in South Africa the Qatar agency will acquire the share in the 148MW Nxuba wind farm. The projects were developed at a cost of US$40 million and US$175 million respectively.

此外,卡塔尔投资局收购50%的股份四个国家统计局hore wind farm projects of Garob (145MW), Karusa (147MW), Soewater (147MW) and Oyster Bay (148MW) all with a combined investment value of US$949 million. Wind energy equipment makers Acciona and Vestas are providing a total of 165 turbines for the four projects.

The acquisition agreement awaits approval and antitrust clearance from South Africa, Zambia and Qatar regulatory authorities before taking effect.
