对于佛罗里达承包商詹妮弗·托德Black Lives Matter移动。

托德的信息资源nated in a year when systemic racism, while not new in the industry nor elsewhere, has drawn attention and headlines and spurred new “conversations,” she says.


领导人谈到了多样性和包容的重要性。现在是时候展示它了,”她在2020年ENR-published opinion这种分享了她作为黑人妇女拆除纠正承包商的工作的痛苦细节。

“I’ve experienced being locked out of my own project site for ‘my safety’ and had my equipment fuel lines cut in the middle of the night,” she wrote. "Often we aren’t gifted with relationships, mentorships, or resources in the industry to help foster our businesses.,” she said. “Companies owned and led by blacks, people of color, and women are absent from well-read lists of the top construction industry firms. For firms sincere in their desire for change and inclusion, it starts at the top and must be witnessed at every level."

同伴分享了她的痛苦:“她谈到了我和我所知道的其他人所经历的很多事情,”亚特兰大少数民族拥有的30年的行业资深人士兼副总裁安迪·摩根(Andy Morgan)说。托德(Todd)工作的承包商。



托德的承诺激发了强烈的反应。“我给我留下了深刻的印象和悲伤,”尼比兄弟总承包商首席执行官罗伯特·尼比(Robert L.“她成功地提出了需要改变的论点是重要和紧迫的。”


As founder in 2013 and CEO of Pompano Beach, Fla.-based LMS General Contractors, her second industry start-up,Todd has completed work in 13 states, managed removal of more than 5 million sq ft of hazardous materials to date and overseen projects ranging upward of $8 million. Anticipating market needs, Todd gained a California General Engineering A license, the youngest Black woman to do so, and an Arizona State University law degree to expand her grasp of contracting.

客户公司提供证明。“我可以lways depend on Jennifer and her employees to work with me on tough and complicated projects,” says Irvin Hill, U.S. General Services Administration building manager in Atlanta. “Jennifer is very hands-on.”


The CEO now seeks state approval to start an abatement worker apprentice program, which she hopes other employers will support. “Her efforts have resulted in so many people learning and continuing in construction,” says Morgan. “Some are supervisors and managers now.”

Todd also has raised her industry outreach并强调她的信息的个人资料

“Because she is a millennial and she’s walking the walk not just talking the talk, she is the visionary,” says Ann McNeill, CEO of MCO Construction and founder-chair of the National Association of Black Women in Construction, in which Todd is active.


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