TC Energy在1月20日在Keystone XL管道上取消了建设,此前总统Biden撤销了这项80亿美元项目的总统许可,这是他上任后的首次行动之一。

The Canadian company says it will review Biden’s decision, assess its implication and consider its options. Additionally, the decision will result in the layoff of thousands of union workers and end the company’s commitment,announcedJan. 17 along with the North America Building Trades, to build in renewable energy sources to "achieve net-zero emissions across the project operations"


The company and Canadian leaders had touted the project as enhancing North American energy security and supporting 40,000 jobs in the U.S.

来自加拿大阿尔伯塔省的1178英里的管道,通过ugh Montana and South Dakota to Nebraska would have carried an estimated 830,000 barrels of crude oil per day from Alberta’s oil sands region. From Nebraska, the pipeline would have connected to an existing pipeline that extends to the U.S. Gulf Coast.

The company signed a project labor agreement in August with four U.S. labor unions, including the International Union of Operating Engineers, Laborers International Union of North America, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and the United Association Union Plumbers and Pipefitters. The agreement was expected to create 10,000 construction jobs.

在一个Jan. 21 strongly worded statement, building trades President Sean McGarvey said unions "are deeply disappointed in the decision to cancel the Keystone XL permit on the President’s first official day in office. Environmental ideologues have now prevailed, and over a thousand union men and women have been terminated from employment on the project."



'Campaign Promise'

The Canadian leg of the Keystone XL pipeline has been under construction for months after the Alberta government agreed to invest about $1.5 billion in the project.

艾伯塔省总理杰森·肯尼迪(Jason Kennedy)表示,取消许可证将损害两国之间的关系。

就职典礼之前,加拿大总理贾斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)提出了拜登(Biden)的管道问题。在一个陈述issued Jan. 20, Trudeau said that Canada has made the case for the project, adding: "While we welcome the President's commitment to fight climate change, we are disappointed but acknowledge the President’s decision to fulfill his election campaign promise on Keystone XL."

The American Petroleum Institute said after Biden’s decision that it shares the President’s goal of leadership in addressing climate change, but that revoking the Keystone XL pipeline is a “significant step backwards both for the environmental progress and our economic recovery.”

管道经过了10 years of environmental review. “Today’s announcement is a slap in the face to the thousands of union workers who are already a part of this safe and sustainable project,” the group said.

President Obama rejected the project before President Trump revived it. In November 2015, Obama said, “Shipping dirtier crude oil into our country would not increase American’s energy security.” Trump resurrected the project in January 2017.