吉姆·怀特(Jim White)在建筑管理方面的长期职业生涯以及他的长期记忆,在牛津房地产集团(Oxford Properties Group)中为他的项目提供了很好的服务,在此18luck官网之前,在与开发人员有关的Cos和Brookfield和Turner Construction之前。

His experience especially was critical to implementing an innovative bridgebuilding technique that shaved six months off the schedule of Oxford Group’s $1-billion effort to transform the former St. John’s rail freight terminal on Manhattan’s West Side into the 1.3-million-sq-ft corporate hub that tech giant Google plans to occupy next year.

As Oxford vice president and head of construction for the developer’s U.S. region, White led a construction team that adapted the approach to build a pair of hardened elevator and stair cores to transform the former four-story terminal into a 12-story structure.

But as standard concrete or steel cores weren’t optimal for the structure—which spreads across two city blocks and has to support loads from a steel superstructure and cast-in-place concrete floors—White remembered a segmented bridge-building methodology that a past Brookfield team used a decade ago to construct the platform under the Manhattan West development.


牛津大学几乎组装了在水平飞机上执行该方法的曼哈顿西部队,但要求他们转向垂直方向。结构工程师,核心承包商Rizzani de Eccher(RDE),钢铁和核心勃起都会大都会Walters和面板制造商泽西岛预制剂为牛津提供。



