America's re-entry into the Paris climate accord, as well as other climate-related actions taken by the Biden administration, won’t change the way things are currently being done as much as accelerate what’s already occurring with infrastructure, industry sources say.

Burns&McDonnell的环境集团经理Steve Nalefski说:“我们支持的行业对环境有长期的看法,不一定要考虑短期变化。”“他们一直非常积极地保持减少温室气体排放并寻找发展可再生投资组合的方法。”

In addition to rejoining the accord, Biden ordered that regulations be reviewed through the lens of climate change and climate resilience, and he reestablished a committee to determine a social cost of carbon that can be used when conducting cost-benefit analysis of regulations and other federal actions.

In a joint statement issued by the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, 42 of the nation’s largest companies supported the administration’s actions, saying not only can those steps help reduce the impact of climate change, but they can also create economic activity.



“It will pay off to invest in smarter infrastructure,” says Edgar Westerhof, national director for flood risk and resilience at Arcadis. “If you upgrade, do it in a climate resilient way.” Such an approach was being taken under the Obama administration, and Westerhof says he expects it to continue under Biden.

But climate efforts have not been at a standstill over the past four years, he says. Most recently, former President Donald Trump1月1日,该立法允许联邦紧急事务管理机构向城镇筹集资金,以创建循环贷款资金,以供弹性基础设施项目筹集资金。18luck官网

Additionally, Westerhof says, cities including New York, Boston and Miami have continued on with their climate adaptation and mitigation efforts. But, he says, cities can’t do it alone. “We will need a collaboration,” including all layers of government and business.


The Edison Electric Institute, the lobbying arm of investor-owned utilities, issued a statement Jan. 20 supporting the Biden administration’s focus on climate change, highlighting that nearly 40% of the nation’s electricity now comes from carbon-free sources, including nuclear energy, hydropower, wind and solar energy.

Mortenson, which was the no. 1 wind contractor and the no. 2 solar contractor on ENR’s Top 400 Contractors list, applauded the Biden administration’s focus on climate change.

总裁兼首席执行官丹·约翰逊(Dan Johnson)在电子邮件向ENR发表的一封电子邮件声明中说:“我们分享了拜登总统及其政府关于气候变化和需要环境行动的重点,我们对所讨论的想法感到鼓舞。”新利luck“我们通过我们的工作和支持知道我们可以有所作为,我们将在公开信息时进一步评估即将到来的政策和建议。”

太阳能产业协会主席兼首席执行官阿比盖尔·罗斯·霍珀(Abigail Ross Hopper)对此表示赞同,称拜登的行动将使美国能够在反对气候变化的斗争中夺回其作为全球领导者的地位。
