
“我们只对此有一枪,”市长马蒂·斯莫尔(Marty Small)在上个月末举行的新闻发布会上说。“您多久有一次中心城市,海滨物业可供重建?我们需要对清理进行积极进取。”

Small indicated ongoing talks with billionaire investor Carl Icahn, who owns the property, related to redevelopment plans that include “family friendly” projects such as an extension to a nearby retail outlet mall or an entertainment venue.

戴尔·芬奇、城市主管许可和检查ions, attributed the implosion delay from its original Jan. 29 date to a large concrete foundation that was originally unknown to the demolition team. He said holes are being drilled to fit dynamite into the remaining casino-hotel structure, which demolition contractor Haines & Kibblehouse, Philadelphia, began dismantling last year after debris fell during high winds.

Controlled Demolition Inc. Phoenix, Md., is the implosion subcontractor, ENR has confirmed.


城市消防局长斯科特·埃文斯(Scott Evans)表示,爆炸将关闭几个城市街区,历史悠久的木板路,周围的社区分为排除区,疏散区和度假村居民必须留在里面的地区。

Two towers on either side of the property will remain after the implosion.


伊坎(Icahn)在2016年的破产销售中购买了特朗普广场(Trump Plaza),这是前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在那里的大量房地产持有的最后一部分。它于2014年关闭。ICAHN还购买了特朗普广场下的土地契据,但终止了该物业的复杂租约