建筑师乔治·T·海里(George T. Heery Sr.)是一家强国,他于1952年与建筑师工程师Heery&Heery共同创立,并成为项目交付专家,并于1月21日在亚特兰大去世。他93岁。

Unlike most architects who thought only about design, “George thought about the process,” says retired architect Chuck Thomsen, who was chairman of 3D/International until 2006. “He understood the moving parts, the motivation and everyone’s biases,” adds Thomsen, who calls Heery, often a competitor and occasionally a collaborator, his best friend.

In 2012, Heery and 15 public and private-sector building professionals formed the Bridging Institute of America, a nonprofit education and advocacy group to promote the use of a design-build delivery contract that requires the architect, under contract to the owner, to develop the design to a certain stage, and hand it off to the design-builder’s architect. The approach, a hybrid of design-bid-build and design-build, is intended to eliminate the architect’s conflict of interest in typical contractor-led design-build projects.

Reduce Owner's Risk and Cost

Overall, the method’s primary emphasis is to reduce risk and cost for the owner. “There’s more collaboration among designers and constructors and quicker and less expensive fixes in correcting problems,” Heery said in 2012.

At that time, Heery was chairman of Brookwood Group, a real estate consultant he cofounded in 1989, with his son S. Shepherd "Shep" Heery, a developer, and daughter Laura Heery, an architect-planner. "I came up with the name 'bridging' and Dad liked it better than the name he had been using, which he called the 'concentrated responsibility contract' method," says Shep, the current chairman and CEO of Brookwood. "My inspiration was the Golden Gate Bridge, which I used to cross every day."


桥接组的高潮乔治Heery's considerable experience in project delivery, which started in the 1960s. Heery was among a small group of American design and construction professionals, including Thomsen, who pioneered the professions of construction management and construction program management, now called program management.

Control Project Time and Cost

Heery和他在该公司的同事更名为Heery International Inc.。磨练了他们仍被其他公司使用的项目管理程序,以通过主要建筑计划的前期,设计和施工阶段来控制项目时间和成本。除传统的设计服务外,该公司还提供建筑管理,计划管理,开发管理和桥接设计建设方面的服务,尽管直到1989年才被称为。



这家设计公司经历了多个所有权过渡。Heery与他的父亲,建筑师C. Wilmer Heery Jr.共同创立了该公司,1961年,乔治成为Heery&Heery的首席执行官,并将该公司成长为一家600人,多学科专业公司,在美国和欧洲设有办事处。1989年,乔治(George)从Heery International退休,当时由拥有Balfour Beatty Construction Co.的企业集团收购,当时,该公司在Enr的前500家设计公司名单中排名第195。新利luck2017年,Balfour Beatty将Heery卖给了CBRE。

