Construction lost 3,000 jobs in January, the industry’s first monthly downturn since last April, when the pandemic caused construction employment to plunge by more than 1 million, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported.

The bureau’s new monthlyU.S. employment report, released on Feb. 5, also showed that construction’s January unemployment rate dipped slightly to 9.4% from December’s 9.6%.



The industry’s January jobs picture varied by sector. Residential specialty trade contractors segment shed the most positions, losing 4,200. Nonresidential specialty trade contractors lost 3,300.

非住宅建筑的劳动力下降了60岁0 positions, BLS said.

But one nonresidential segment—heavy and civil engineering construction—recorded a gain. That category, which reflects infrastructure work, added 2,000 jobs in January


Compared with year-earlier figures construction’s total employment was down by 223,000, or 2.9%.

Architectural and engineering services, which BLS categorizes separately from construction, also showed an increase, posting a gain of 4,000 jobs in January.

美国首席经济学家相关的总承包商肯·西蒙森(Ken Simonson)在statement,“由于大流行结束之前已经开始的项目,并且业主坚持授予新作品,因此1月5月的建筑就业停滞进一步恶化。”18luck官网

关联建筑商和承包商的首席经济学家Anirban Basu(着重于非住宅建筑)表示statementthat there has been a decline in demand for construction services in that sector, particularly for new construction, in office, lodging and other commercial-buildings categories.


The BLS figures for job gains or losses are adjusted for seasonal variations. The January 2021 and December 2020 jobs numbers are preliminary; they can change before becoming final in the next couple of months.

