When confronted with a design or management problem, Barbara Mullenex reaches for the same tool every time: a lined Leuchtturm notebook.

“Sketching and drawing helps bring out my ideas and helps communicate ideas to other people,” says Mullenex, a managing principal at design firm Perkins Eastman in Washington, D.C. “It’s an effective way to work through design problems—and everything from a table setting for a dinner party to an organizational chart for the office to organizing our summer intern program.”

The last item is particularly close to Mullenex’s heart after many years of guiding, mentoring and collaborating with younger associates.


Mullenex, 64, sees herself as a “connector,” eager to link up her contacts all over the world. She’s a great believer in networking as the best way to produce an architect’s lifeblood: new work. A crucial step for young designers, she says, is to join organizations they believe in and that will help their future success.

Mullenex herself serves on the Federal City Council and is a member of the Economic Club of Washington, D.C., and the International Women’s Forum. She has served on the board of the National Symphony Orchestra and is currently vice chair of the Maryland Youth Ballet Board.

为她贡献的管理和指导, as well as her exceptional designs, ENR MidAtlantic is honoring Mullenex as its 2020 Legacy Award winner. She has led the design and management of several high-profile projects for clients such as Marriott, Global Holdings and the World Bank. Before joining Perkins Eastman in 2013, Mullenex owned her own design firm, OPX, for 26 years.


In fact, she has only one official mentee, who lives in New York and calls Mullenex four to five times a year about projects. “I tend to fall too far on the solution side, not the listening,” Mullenex says. “I tell myself, ‘Keep listening before you solve their problem.’”

Karen Gioconda, a senior associate at Perkins Eastman, began working with Mullenex on a Hilton hotel redesign in 2007. Gioconda had joined OPX looking for female leadership and followed Mullenex to Perkins Eastman in 2013. The two have also collaborated on numerous volunteer events.

“Barbara’s very honest and forthcoming, but never in a cruel way,” Gioconda says. “She tries to see the best in everybody else and plays toward their strengths. Even if you aren’t the strongest at construction documents you might be the strongest at coordinating consultants.”



Peter Cavaluzzi, a Perkins Eastman principal and board director, met Mullenex while trying to win a commission to design a Brooklyn building for Tishman Speyer. The firm was eager to show off its creativity and knowledge to an important new client.

Mullenex worked with the firm’s young staff to demonstrate the team’s experience and creativity, Cavaluzzi says. “Her wide-ranging knowledge of design and building combined with her warm and joyous persona helped our team to make a strong impression. She helped us to have the confidence to show them that we had what it takes to compete on the main stage.”

She also worked on the construction of Perkins Eastman’s offices in D.C. “She really had to leverage her team to keep the project in the budget,” says Linda Rabbitt, founder and chairman of Rand Construction Corp. “Barbara led each preconstruction meeting with extreme clarity around the pricing goals and negotiated her design team’s desires with respect to the cost of the work. At one point in the job she wrote to us, ‘I know we are crazy, but in spite of that, your team is doing a fantastic job.’”

Career by Design

A native of Harrisonburg, Va., and the daughter of a mathematics professor, Mullenex had always been interested in math and science. In high school she had the opportunity to shadow a local architect. “He told me that he had only met one woman architect and that he would not call her a lady,” Mullenex says. “That might have sealed the deal for me!”

She went on to earn a degree in architecture at University of Maryland, College Park, but her thesis review was not a complete success. Mullenex never knew why until she ran into an old thesis adviser two years ago. “He told me, ‘You were doing affordable housing, and that wasn’t what architects did then. You were supposed to do an art museum or something. You were just too frightening, too scary.’”

然而,穆莱纳克斯(Mullenex)设计自己的未来的决心从未阻止她。她继续在1990年代后期在华盛顿特区经营自己的公司OPX,OPX是由Moshe Safdie,Moshe Safdie,Safdie,New Blun,烟草,枪支,枪支和炸药总部的新型建筑师和内部建筑师的副建筑师和室内建筑师。这是1995年俄克拉荷马城轰炸后建造的第一座联邦办公大楼。

“你想建立一个建筑…,并t look like a penitentiary,” Mullenex says. “It had to be an impressive building, it had to show it could follow all the federal security measures to keep our public servants safe, and in 20 years it had to fit a transformed neighborhood.” Construction began right before 9/11 in 2001 and the new Ariel Rios Federal Building helped to revitalize the city’s formerly desolate NoMa (North of Massachusetts Avenue) district.

尽管OPX取得了成功,但Mullenex一直对在一家大公司工作感到好奇。2013年,她与道格·史密斯(Doug Smith)共进午餐,道格·史密斯(Doug Smith)的公司与珀金斯·伊士曼(Perkins Eastman)合并,史密斯(Smith)询问OPX是否也想这样做。渴望帮助领导更大的,更高影响的项目,其才能在全国范围内开展更多的才能,Mullen18luck官网ex于2013年脱颖而出,独自向珀金斯·伊士曼(Perkins Eastman)脱颖而出,因为她在OPX的合作伙伴对合并不感兴趣。

Mullenex joined Perkins Eastman as a studio leader and set to work designing a new city in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Aramco’s Ajyal Community of Excellence, a 4.2-square-mile community, included residential buildings, schools, three types of mosques and office buildings, for a total of 8,500 units. “It was a scale I had never worked at before— the pace was incredible, the project types complex,” Mullenex says.

Currently Mullenex is working on the World Bank office compound in Kampala, Uganda. The complex project aims to represent Uganda’s culture as well as provide appropriate security and meet sustainability and post-COVID-19 workplace goals.

“My career has spanned some incredible changes in our profession—from hand drawings to VR technology, the impact of climate change and the impact of sustainability on the built environment,” Mullenex says.


One of the highest-impact projects Mullenex has been involved in was Washington D.C.’s Wharf waterfront project, a mile-long stretch along the Washington Channel. The first phase of the project won an Urban Land Institute Award for Excellence in 2019.

Mullenex points to the transformed waterfront as an example of how people will embrace a space in surprising ways. The Wharf has no curbs or gutters, and the cars, bikes and pedestrians use the same streetway, with all this movement controlled by design. But there’s also a cast-iron drainage channel 8 in. wide that extends the length of the Wharf.

“And who uses that?” Mullenex asks. “It’s those guys on electric scooters. And we were very intentional about trying to slow down bike riders and cars by making everything very bumpy, but here’s this little narrow way, and all those little scooters are zooming down there.”


