Applying AI to planning requires a trove of data, and many power utilities have the operational data necessary to begin the kind of advanced analytics machine learning can provide. National Grid recently announced that it will pilot the machine-learning tools from technology firm Urbint to anticipate safety issues on its construction projects, bringing an AI advisor in to spot problems on jobsites before they lead to safety incidents.

Urbint战略和技术运营副总裁Lindsay Jenkins解释说:“国家电网是我们减少损害技术的早期采用者之一,因此我们将解决方案扩展到工人安全。”URBINT镜头的工人安全镜头检查了公用事业的项目数据,根据现场条件和所涉及的工作类型以及安全事件的相关历史和接近失误的事件进行风险评估。


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“This technology is very exciting. It has the potential to pull all this information into one place so we can do some analytics,” says Walter Fromm, vice president of capital delivery for National Grid Gas. “That way, a worker or superintendent out in the field can see before they start what is happening, and take action.”

“We bring our own biases to the jobsite,” says Jenkins. “This is a form of support to take that veil off and use proven methodologies to identify hazards.”

国家电网’s pilot will cover its gas-related construction across the Northeast. Fromm says that if it’s successful, he’d like to roll Urbint out across the utility’s entire portfolio. “I don’t want these safety alerts to be optional,” he says. “Our workers are out there—a lot is going on. My aspiration is this technology will be a control, so they will have those safety conversations in the morning before going to work.”