Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, President Joe Biden’s nominee to head the Dept. of Labor, has cleared one more hurdle toward Senate confirmation.

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee on Feb. 11 approved Walsh’s nomination as Secretary of Labor on a bipartisan 18-4 vote. The next step is action by the full Senate.


与其他拜登内阁提名人一样,在他们的委员会听证会上,帮助小组否投票都是共和党人:参议员兰德·保罗(肯塔基州),迈克·布劳恩(Mike Braun)(印第安纳州),蒂姆·斯科特(S.C.)和杰里·莫兰(Jerry Moran)(肯尼亚州)。但是其他七个共和党成员散发出沃尔什(Walsh),也许在地板上表明了强烈的投票以确认他的提名。

In the quick, roughly seven-minute, meeting, the committee also approved Miguel Cardona, Biden’s choice to be Secretary of Education, on a 17-5 vote. Cardona is Connecticut’s commissioner of education.

Committee Chair Patty Murray (D-Wash.) said Walsh and Cardona “are well qualified for these roles and ready to work with Congress.”

该委员会的共和党,Sen. Richard Burr (N.C.), said he would support Walsh and Cardona when their nominations reach the Senate floor.


联合建筑商兼承包商首席执行官迈克尔·贝拉曼(Michael Bellaman)在一份声明中说,沃尔什(Walsh)是北美国际工会(Liuna)本地劳动者的负责人,“知道建筑业及其劳动力,所以我相信我们拥有共同的基础在培养合格的手工艺专业人士并创造工作环境中,以优先考虑安全性和人类健康。”

Bellaman noted that in his confirmation hearing, Walsh said he would be "collaborative and a listener," and added, "ABC looks forward to working with him on policies that benefit the industry as a whole, rather than favoring one constituency over another or excluding the majority of our workers and contractors from rebuilding America."

卢纳(Liuna)总统特里·奥沙利文(Terry O'Sullivan)在一份声明中说:“马蒂(Marty)将恢复工党的角色,成为工人权利和有效执行我们国家劳动法的强大而坚定的监护人。”
