在最新的一回合中,法国水与废物服务管理巨头Veolia Environmement SA表示,其目标是其目标,其目标是较小但仍然是可观的巴黎竞争对手Suez SA,可能会保留其目标,这可能会保留它的基于法国的行动。

The two firms are locked in a months-long buyout dispute that ramped up in February after Veolia made the $13.1-billion hostile bid to buy Suez to create a even larger global giant, and, as a罕见的业务策略在欧洲,已成为法国的政府挑战。

威尔利亚是世界上最大的水管理服务提供商,在近50个国家 /地区运营,全球近179,000名员工。


威利亚董事长兼首席执行官Antoine Frerot告诉电话会议,该公司不会改变对苏伊士的接管竞标,因为后者是谈判的条件。但是威尔利亚在一份声明中证实,它将将法国业务出售给感兴趣的投资者Meridiam,这将使他们在苏伊士品牌的统治下,拥有25,000多名员工




The Suez board had formally rejectied the offer on Feb. 26 as too low and not providing enough clear benefits.

苏伊士CFO Julian Waldron told Financial Times that the Veolia offer "was based on flawed assumptions" and that benefits of a link "were not reflected" in the offer. The two firms have not spoken since early February before Veolia's hostile bid.

A French commercial court ruled last month that it did not have jurisdiction to halt the transaction.

Veolia's Frerot said he "would like to be able to discuss" the deal with the Suez board. "We can be our own negotiators.” The dispute could become a major issue at the Suez shareholder meeting set for spring.

The deal also would be subject to expected anti-trust review in some countries where the two firms operate due to the combined size.

Veolia said its revenue was up 0.9% in fourth quarter of 2020, compared to losses from the COVID-19 pandemic in the previous three quarters. Net earnings in the quarter rose 4.2%, compared to just a 1.7% gain in the third quarter, it said.



同时,在加拿大,多伦多基础设施资产管理公司布鲁克菲尔德基础设施合作伙伴唱片公司的敌对竞标,该公司inter Pipeline将以卡尔加里天然气提取器转运蛋白私人为单位。



That might mean moving forward with sale of the firm, which also could include the sale of Inter-Pipeline's C$4-billion petrochemical plant complex hear Edmonton, its largest-ever capital investment, which is several months behind schedule and C$500 million over budget because of the pandemic.


首席执行官克里斯·贝尔(Chris Bayle)于2月19日告诉投资者,该设施的“实质性机械完成”预计将于5月,到年底完整,并于2022年初进行调试。


如果布鲁克菲尔德(Brookfield)占上风,那么基础设施投资者还可以仔细考虑购买Trans Mountain Oil Pipeline项目,该项目现在由加拿大政府拥有,最近重新启动了建筑,估计有7,000名员工在经过两个月的安全审查后,根据分析师的说法。

国家银行金融公司的分析师帕特里克·肯尼(Patrick Kenny)表示,拜登政府对Keystone XL管道的取消可能会增加Trans Mountain Line的价值,但是,通过降低加拿大石油的潜在出口出口渠道。

