
While there’s hope that life and business will return to some semblance of normal this year, for the time being, many AEC companies must still adhere to health mandates and restrictions, such as mask-wearing, maintaining six feet of distance between workers, and working with fewer crews onsite. Even after the pandemic is behind us, the need for better technologies and processes that the crisis uncovered has simply accelerated adigital transformation in the construction industrythat’s long overdue. And the technologies that got us through these difficult times provide safety and efficiency advantages that merit their continued use long after the crisis has passed.

机器人建筑技术这些进步是一个基于“增大化现实”技术的好处在哪里e impossible to ignore. In an industry where increased safety and greater productivity top the list of priorities, robotic tools are a natural fit. They can be used to access jobsites and complete tasks when workers can’t or when it isn’t safe for them to do so. The automated and autonomous functionality of robotics also makes otherwise repetitive, time-consuming, or complex work go much faster and smoother, providing additional safety benefits and a much-needed boost in productivity.

“有主要机会...cutting-edge robotics apps for repetitive construction taskssuch as bricklaying, road paving, lumber cutting to standardized dimensions, and 3-D printing of building materials. These apps enable onsite fabrication and more complex assemblies.”





随着公司的空气和地址the workforce challenges在过去的几年中,他们必须与之抗衡,机器人技术可以提供急需的亮点。通过将宝贵的技术带入其业务的最前沿,AEC公司可以将新鲜空气呼入其招聘,招聘和培训计划。


  • 精确调查大地理区域
  • 捕获数据量的数据并帮助确定项目早期的潜在冲突
  • Monitor work in progress and facilitate QA/QC
  • Complete tasks off-hours or when site conditions are hazardous to workers
  • 自动重复任务和单调工作流程

通用建筑承包商Hensel Phelps正在使用机器人技术和3D激光扫描收集大量可用于创建的数据3D型号和其他文档。这些数据也可以在包括BIM,项目工程,布局和项目管理在内的几个团队中共享。访问相同的最新信息是互联构造的中心宗旨,该构建基于分解信息筒仓的前提,实现更有效的沟通和协作,并提高效率和生产力。

One specific example is the Great Hall renovation at Denver International Airport (DIA). Hensel Phelps uses发现机器人狗to scan and document the project’s progress. Operated by a worker remotely, Spot can roam a large jobsite on its own, collecting data at any time of day — even outside regular work hours. The data can then be used to gain a detailed understanding of the as-built structure that was previously built by another contractor, as well as discover and solve potential problems with the build up front before they turn into bigger, more costlier issues later. Instead of having to schedule a worker and ask them to walk through a potentially hazardous jobsite, Spot can complete the work safely and without delays.

To see how Mortenson is using Spot the robot dog,观看视频。


The pandemic has brought many changes to the construction industry, some of them unexpected and no doubt unwelcome. But it’s also accelerated the adoption of autonomous technologies like robotics that can help AEC companies continue operations in the event of a crisis and make meaningful improvements to quality, productivity, and safety that they can continue to benefit from long after the danger has passed.
