TrimbleGetting teams in the office and in the field on the same page can be a major challenge. Designers and engineers working with 3D models may not have access to actual site conditions. At the same time, crews working onsite may not understand the design intent, or may see discrepancies between the model and site conditions that they can’t easily communicate. What’s often missing is that project stakeholders can’t “see” and experience the project in the same way.

Mixed reality (MR) technology与Hololens 2的Trimble XR10一样,可以帮助每个人参与实现对项目的共同理解。通过综合协作软件,如Trimble Connect,办公室的团队可以easily share BIM datawith workers in the field. Using the XR10’s rich visualization capabilities, workers can then view and interact with the 3D content overlaid onto the actual project. You’re able to maximize the value of BIM models by bringing them directly to the jobsite instead of downgrading them to 2D plans.

When workers can visualize the project in detail and in context, they understand the work site better and how systems and installations relate to each other. They can also raise any questions or concerns, giving teams in the office the ability to respond and address potential problems in a timely manner and keep better tabs on issues that have come up.

By increasing communication and project understanding among the many people involved in a construction project, mixed reality is helping forward-thinking teamsclose the gaps between the field and office

Want to see how mixed reality can connect your teams and workflows?
Watch the webinar



交易和该领域的人员不是一般发票olved in the design phase. As a result, when it’s time to build or install onsite, confusion about the design can hold up construction and lead to delays. This is a common problem that’s exacerbated when teams are working in traditional siloes, each focused on their own workflows without a holistic understanding of the project.

With MR, you can effectively convey and clarify the design intent for everyone involved. During pre-construction walkthroughs, you can show workers the 3D model overlaid onto the site and encourage them to ask questions to improve their understanding. They may even noticepotential deviations or clashes, helping you address and resolve issues earlier in the process. Then once construction is underway, you can continue to use MR to democratize the model and help teams understand what they’re collaboratively building. When teams have a shared understanding of the end result, they can work together more effectively and efficiently.



For example, a change order may be needed, but the VDC department needs time to make it. Instead of delaying the schedule, the field crew may wing it, which ends up creating a ripple effect of on-the-fly workarounds. If the resulting discrepancies between the model and as-builts aren’t documented and communicated, it can lead to major system clashes and other potentially costly problems and disputes. Furthermore, the sheer volume of people involved increases the likelihood that everyone sees the project a little differently and specific to their role.






Construction contractors use prefabrication to improve productivity and save costs. But the success of prefab depends on both the accuracy of the design and an understanding of how prefab components will fit with the existing environment. Teams also need to be able to interpret the model or design while onsite to correctly install or assemble prefabricated components.

With MR, you can further leverage BIM to优化预制。代替使用难以解释的2D计划,团队可以在工作站点访问和使用更容易可视化3D项目数据。该模型可以覆盖在确切的位置和位置,以指导和验证工作,最大限度地减少浪费时间和材料的错误。您甚至可以使用MR来指导逐步排序以获得更高的效率和准确性。

into your workflows,


Connect Workers and Workflows with Mixed Reality

混合现实通过使它可访问和在现场中有用,而不仅仅是在办公室中,延伸了BIM。随着Trimble XR10的组合能力与Hololens 2和Trimble Connect,您可以通过向所有项目利益相关者提供前所未有的对项目的理解并共享对同一最新项目数据的访问来铺平连接的构造。当每个人都在同一页面时,他们可以更轻松地沟通和协作。


  • Improve design reviews
  • Solve problems earlier
  • Manage workflows and phases remotely
  • 计划项目更18luck官网有效
  • 优化预制和制造

要了解有关混合现实如何解锁跨施工工作流程的BIM数据力量的更多信息,watch the webinar.