弗朗西斯·B·弗朗西斯·弗朗索瓦(Francis B.根据Aashto的说法。He was 87.


During those years, he was an important player in the Washington, D.C., debates over transportation policy. He helped marshal state departments of transportation activities to push for several major highway and transit bills, capped by the 1998 Transportation Equity Act for the 21英石Century, or TEA-21.


Stephen E. Sandherr, the Associated General Contractors of America’s president and chief executive officer, said in an emailed statement, “Frank did a great job of encouraging increased collaboration between state transportation officials and the construction industry to advance infrastructure investment, as well as developing methods to deliver the product safely and efficiently.”

According to AASHTO, Francois “reasserted the association as the premier technical organization for adopting and issuing highway standards and specifications.”

In an obituary in its AASHTO Journal newsletter, the association added, “He also strengthened its role with respect to setting national transportation policy for all modes and further cultivated its involvement in international activities.”

弗朗索瓦(Francois)出生于爱荷华州,从爱荷华州立大学毕业并获得工程学位后,他成为美国专利局的专利审查员。a biographical sketch by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)

He graduated from George Washington University law school, after taking courses at night. Francois was patent and trademark law specialist with a Washington, D.C., firm from 1962 to 1980, ITE said.


In the national arena, Francois was president of the National Association of Regional Councils from 1972 to 1973 and of the National Association of Counties from 1979-1980.


Among his many accolades, Francois was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1999. The institute in 2002 named Francois an honorary member, which it calls its “highest recognition of notable and outstanding professional achievement.”2007年,他在2007年获得了运输研究委员会的弗兰克·特纳奖章,以获得运输的终身成就。

AASHTO said that in his application letter for the executive director's job, Francois wrote: “Never before in history has transportation been more important than in the America of the late 20Thcentury. Our economy, our life-style, the design of our urban and rural areas, and indeed our very survival as a modern nation are all dependent on us having a good transportation system.”