President Joe Biden’s coronavirus relief proposal has moved forward with House approval of a $1.9-trillion package that adheres largely to his framework, but the legislation now moves to the Senate, where Democrats’ margin is barely enough to pass it, even if all vote for the legislation.



除非参议院民主党人找出提高工资的修订方式,否则必须将其剥夺,并将修订后的法案送回众议院。但是众议院议长南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)(D-Calif。)表示,即使没有最低工资规定,房子也会批准修改版本。

As large as the bill’s price tag is, it has relatively little direct construction funding, except for $1 billion for transit projects.



The legislation also contains sizable amounts for transit agencies, airport authorities and Amtrak. But most of that money is specifically directed toward, or expected to go to, payroll and operations expenses.


The package's transportation section includes $30 billion for transit agencies, which follows $14 billion that they received in the coronavirus relief and appropriations bill that then-president Donald Trump signed into law on Dec. 27. Most of the new funding will go for payroll and other operating expenses.

$1B for Transit Projects


Of the $1 billion, $750 million is earmarked for new fixed-guideway projects and “core capacity-improvement projects.” Eligible projects are those that received FTA funding allocations in fiscal 2019 or 2020.


美国公共交通协会主席兼首席执行官保罗·斯科特拉斯(Paul Skoutelas)在陈述that the legislation "distributes these funds in a manner that ensures that all public transit agencies can continue to be a lifeline for our essential workers, ensure Americans can get to vaccine distribution sites and advance our communities’ efforts to rebuild from the economic fallout of the pandemic.”



Elsewhere in the bill, upgrades for K-12 school facilities would be one of a number of eligible uses for $128.6 billion in aid, specifically for “testing, repairing, and upgrading projects to improve air quality in school buildings,” according to a U.S. Dept. of Educationfact sheet.


资格基准标准与《 Cares法》中与学校相关的规定轨道轨迹,该法案于去年3月27日签署为法律,冠状病毒和拨款措施于12月颁布。

Related to the package of changes to multi-employer pension programs, according to a House Budget Committee summary of the bill, the federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. (PBGC) multi-employer program was already forecasting a major deficit before the pandemic hit.


AFL-CIO总统理查德·杜鲁姆卡(Richard Trumka)和其他四个有组织的领导人在陈述that the legislation “goes a long way toward stabilizing the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation and the multi-employer pension system overall.”


One relief bill change is a program that would provide funds from government’ general fund to PBGC. The agency, which administers the federal pension-plan assistance program, then would provide financial help to multi-employer plans judged to be in “critical and declining” condition in 2020, 2021 or 2022.


在另一个更改中,对于2030年以后的多雇主退休金计划有效,该账单将使雇主每个计划参与者向PBGC支付的费用从现在的$ 31增加到52美元,以帮助支持PBGC多雇主计划。

According to2020年5月的报告从咨询公司西格尔(Segal),建筑计划仅占临界和降低状态下的多雇主计划的10%。该报告基于2019年数据。


Still, some construction multi-employer plans have had serious problems. By ENR's count, 16 construction industry plans facing financial woes have, since 2016, applied to the U.S. Treasury Dept. for permission to暂停支付福利, temporarily or permanently, to plan participants.

According to PBGC, its multi-employer program includes about 1,400 pension plans that have a total of 10.9 million workers and retirees.


此外,House-approved measure provides $350 billion to states and localities for COVID-response activities,to offset economic impacts or to replace revenue lost as a result of the pandemic.
