The widespread return to in-person learning across Boston Public Schools on March 1 marked the first time many students and teachers entered aging school buildings undergoing up to $20 million in virus-related renovations and upgrades.

Workers installed glass and clear dividers between desks since the majority of the district’s approximately 50,000 students began learning remotely at the start of the pandemic in March 2020. After inspecting more than 27,000 windows, the district is polishing off a $7 million project this week to repair or replace more than 7,000 windows, according to the district’s spokesperson, who also noted that crews upgraded heating, ventilation and air conditioning filters and systems.

Brian McLaughlin, district director of facilities and capital planning, said not “having to work around students helped” crews deliver work faster across the school system's 123 school buildings. To date, the district has spent $10 million on COVID-related work, according to a spokesman for the school district.

学龄前和幼儿园的3年级学生于3月1日开始了混合时间表,在已经占领了近7,000名高优先学生的建筑物中增加了近8,000名学生。4至8年级的学生将于3月15日返回,所有其他学生将于3月29日。波士顿市长马丁·J·沃尔什(Martin J.自10月以来,该市的7天平均阳性率为3.4%。

Boston schools reopened the same day Gov. Charlie Baker (R) loosened restrictions on indoor performance venues and restaurants, although critics note Massachusetts has reported 51 cases of the UK variants and two cases of the South African strain as of Feb. 28. The state had more than 550,000 total COVID-19 cases and 15,796 deaths as of Feb. 28, says the state Dept. of Public Health, with some 1.7 million people now vaccinated.


发布疾病控制和预防中心之后guidelines关于如何重新开放学校,马萨诸塞州教育专员杰夫·赖利(Jeff Riley)2月23日表示,他希望所有小学生每周五天返回面对面的学习,从4月开始。


但是,随着高需求的学生打算在秋天重返面对面的学习,城市老师工会发布了报告decrying school air quality. Authored by the Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health, it called on the district to test classroom ventilation in 93 schools without heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. School building windows and fans, ventilation and air filtration systems were in poor shape, according to the report, which also was critical of indoor air quality inspection data and cleaning protocols.

但是工会主席杰西卡·唐(Jessica Tang)最近告诉《波士顿先驱报》that the district has made significant improvements since the report was released, giving “credit where credit is due.”

Centuries in the Making


维修和升级学校的挑战因建筑物而异。厕所和通风系统不符合代码要求,需要更换Buildbps 10年的教育和设施总体规划,2017年发行。

学校系统获得了3230万美元的补充资金,这是Cares Act学校紧急救济基金的一部分,以解决COVID-19的影响。该法案的2021年继任立法将获得约1.23亿美元的新资金。

Also, to ensure compliance with CDC guidelines and to continue repairs at all schools, the school district ordered and installed 4,785 plexiglass dividers. as well as vinyl barriers, 6,000 fans and 63,475 COVID signs for all buildings, according to Superintendent Brenda Cassellius.



As the majority of students learned remotely during the last year, window inspections and repairs were made in two phases. Under phase one, at least one window opened in every classroom in each building. Phase two, included cleaning and lubricating 12,000 windows. Of that 12,000, more than 7,000 windows were identified for repair.

班ssroom temperature settings have been raised and boiler runtimes increased to provide heat when windows are opened. All exhaust fans are running 24 hours a day, seven days a week.



After Boston became the first large U.S. city tostop construction为了防止Covid-19的传播,该地区最大的三个资本项目最初受到影响。18luck官网承包商不得不离开波士顿艺术学院,麦迪逊公园技术职业高中和约翰·D·奥布莱恩特数学与科学学院的工作现场

Before work could resume in May, “contractors working on all projects had to submit a COVID-19 safety program, so they could get out there with the labor force to support the needs,” McLaughlin said.


麦克劳克林说,大约有110万美元的奥比特兰人“将在能源效率上取得巨大提高”。他们将有1英寸。他补充说,用氩气和被动低E-浓稠的绝缘玻璃 - 一种用于玻璃上的热解涂层,以减少建筑物内的太阳热量增益。




Work on Boston Arts Academy—a new high school being built across from the Fenway Park baseball stadium—was delayed by the pandemic and other unforeseen site conditions, but the $125 million facility topped off in February.

在原来的学校建筑被拆除in January 2019, about $3.6 million was added to the original $1.05 million estimate for hazardous materials abatement due to “unforeseen below grade asbestos, lead, and petroleum contamination,” McLaughlin said. The Boston Arts Academy Foundation raised funds through philanthropic sources to bridge the gap. The new facility will expand the school from 121,000 sq ft to 153,500 sq ft, enabling a 15% enrollment increase.

