美国政府问责办公室否认了联邦边境墙承包商费舍尔·桑德(Fisher Sand&Gravel)的抗议活动,该抗议是授予竞争对手西南谷建筑商的障碍合同,尽管价格高3350万美元。高说,两家公司的任务订单提案之间的“实质性差异”是必要的。


费舍尔(Fisher)在10月初进行抗议后,军团通知西南谷(Southwest Valley)停止了合同的工作。高在1月初决定抗议活动,但直到2月26日才发布其公开编辑版本。

一名军团发言人在3月5日告诉ENR,西南航空收到了新利luck1月15日的通知,该通知于1月23日被暂停,此前乔·拜登(Joe Biden)三天前发布了一项行政命令,停止了所有边境墙壁工作。


据Corps称,授予Kiewit Corp.单位西南谷的奖项是基于提议者的风险缓解计划与其管理计划之间的最佳价值权衡。小型企业参与是最不重要的因素。



Fisher had the lowest price proposal at $175 million. Southwest Valley bid $208.5 million, but it had the most highly-ranked technical proposal for its risk mitigation plan and management plan, according to the GAO decision.

Fisher’s risk mitigation plan and management plan were both rated “acceptable,” while those submitted by Southwest Valley were rated “good.” A good rating indicated a “thorough approach and understanding of” the objectives, while an acceptable rating reflected an “adequate approach and understanding of” the objectives, the GAO decision explained.


Fisher did not discuss or consider two important risks, which were redacted from the publicly released GAO decision, or any other risks that were specific to the project, the Corps said. The agency's source selection advisory council said it was concerned about the impact that could have on the government.

Southwest Valley also had a much stronger management plan proposal, the Corps said. The firm "appears to have spent time considering ways to manage the project to ensure successful performance," said the agency. In contrast, Fisher’s [management plan] "was less clear,” the Corps said. Fisher met minimum requirements of the RFP but did not provide much detail, the Corps said.

GAO Explanation

In its decision, GAO said Fisher had a slightly better small-business participation proposal, but it did not provide letters of commitment from companies, which does not assure the contractor will exceed the RFP’s goals, GAO said.

The Corps responded to Fisher’s complaint that it had higher ratings on a similar wall barrier proposal and therefore should have had higher ratings on the Laredo proposal by saying that "as a general matter, the technical evaluation of an offeror's proposal is a matter within the agency's discretion, and a protester's disagreement with the agency's judgement does not establish that the evaluation is unreasonable."

GAO agreed that Fisher’s complaints regarding the non-price ratings it received in the Laredo procurement failed to state a valid basis for protest.




