一个伪装成struction worker was killed and another critically injured in a Cambridge parking garage after the stairwell they were working in collapsed the morning of March 3.

The two workers, both men, had been removing a stairwell, which was to be replaced, when a section of it collapsed, Gerard Mahoney, the city's acting fire chief, told reporters.


Roughly a ton of concrete and steel came raining down in the accident, which took place on the second floor, Mahoney said.

剑桥东部城市拥有的车库发生致命事故,仅一周后two construction workers were killed在波士顿市中心,在高街上为城市的水和下水道委员会做紧急维修工作。

The surviving worker in the Cambridge accident was transported to a nearby hospital after suffering a serious chest and arm injury, according to Mahoney.

承包商在剑桥大学购物中心附近的第一街车库监督工作是结构性保存系统,但两名男子正在为公司的一个身份不明的分包商工作。结构性销售和营销主管Michael Biesiada拒绝命名分包商或正在做的工作类型。

“There is not a lot I can tell you about what happened,” said Biesiada, adding that the company is awaiting the results of the investigation.

The company, which lists a Cheshire, Conn., address, submitted the winning bid for repair work on the 1,100-space garage last September. Structural Preservation bid just under $1.5 million for the job of shoring up the First Street Garage, beating out two Quincy-based competitors, according to city records.

The U.S. Occupational and Safety Health Administration is investigating the accident. Middlesex District Attorney Marian T. Ryan’s office is looking into it as well.


在波士顿事故中,当一辆卡车将他们推入街上的一条深沟时,两名男子被杀。波士顿环球报(Boston Globe)将工人确定为27岁的乔丹·罗梅罗(Jordan Romero)和33岁的胡安·卡洛斯·菲格罗(Juan Carlos Figueroa Gutierrez)。


The owner of the company, Laurence M. Moloney, signed a pair of city affidavits stating his firm had not been investigated by OSHA in the previous five years, the Globe reported.
