Dodge Data&Analytics的首席经济学家Richard Branch在“道奇建筑前景2021年 - 第一季度 - 第一季度更新” Weberar上说,在COVID-19大流行中,经济的表现低于流行前的22%。。

“The U.S. will be well on its way to widespread adoption of the vaccine and herd immunity by the mid-point of this year,” Branch said. “The vaccine in conjunction with the stimulus leads to progressively accelerating economic growth as we go through the year.”




Commercial construction, which includes stores, office, warehouses, hotels and parking garages, will see a 6% increase in overall starts in 2021, after falling 23% in 2020. “If not for warehouse, that decline in 2020 would have been much deeper, and the expected gross in 2021 would be much, much shallower,” said Branch. While the warehouse sector will continue to expand, retail and hotel starts won’t see much growth this year.

In the institutional building sector, Dodge expects transportation and healthcare sectors to see growth in 2021, at 11% and 9%, respectively. Education is expected to drop 2%, which Branch attributed partially to continued remote learning. Due to increased federal funding for infrastructure, non-building starts are predicted to rise 5%, according to Dodge.
