The Bull Run Treatment Program in Portland, Ore., has been awarded a $727 million Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) loan to help pay for the $820 million modernization being undertaken by the Portland Water Bureau. It is the largest WIFIA grant to date awarded by the Environmental Protection Agency.


“该项目和EPA的Wifia贷款说明了战略合作伙伴关系如何改善公共卫生并帮助解决气候变化的影响,同时创造就业机会并节省了纳税人的钱,” EPA代理助理Water助理管理员Radhika Fox在一份声明中说。



“In Oregon, we are working to center equity as we implement a 100-year vision for strategic investments in water projects and policy, to provide a sustainable water future that addresses the impacts of climate change,” said Gov. Kate Brown (D) in a statement. “We must be forward-thinking in our investments, knowing that our systems must be ready to withstand more severe weather events in the decades to come.”




Along with the low interest rate on the loan, the long-term repayment schedule that doesn’t begin until the project is built provides additional benefits to the overall project costs, says Gabriel Solmer, Portland Water Bureau director.

The remaining project funds will come from a combination of revenue bonds and system funds.

俄勒冈州参议员Jeff Merkley(D)是帮助创建Wifia计划的关键参与者,他说,储蓄纳税人的钱是一个驱动因素,确保了现代,最新的系统来治疗水,并补充说他期待着“观看公牛奔跑的治疗项目实现。”

Merkley further calls the WIFIA loan and Bull Run Watershed project a “win-win all around for Portland.”