1989年,负责波士顿大桥的负责人,玛丽·简·奥梅拉(Mary Jane O’Meara)准备在她第一次参加国际桥梁,隧道和收费公路协会的大会上与世界各地的交通和基础设施同事见面时感到兴奋。奥梅拉说,她期待交换故事和工作场所的经验。但是,在电梯前往活动中,当男性参加者看到O’Meara以同样的方式行驶时,她得到了一些事情,并问一位同事“妻子的巡回演出还已经结束了吗?”



Featured in a 2015 book about women trailblazers in transportation—“Boots on the Ground, Flats in the Boardroom: Transportation Women Tell Their Stories”—O’Meara notes that while progress was slow at first, the momentum propelling women into the field has been growing in recent years. “The best decisions get made if your table is mixed,” she says. “You don’t get your best decisions if it’s all women, or all men. You need to have the mix.”

由于她在运输管理领域的开创性妇女中的作用以及在漫长而持续的职业中的其他成就中,新英格兰选择了玛丽·简·奥梅拉(Mary Jane O’Meara)获得其2021年遗产奖。新利luck


奥梅拉(O’Meara)的第一个重大突破是通过政治而不是运输的。在家里花了几年的时间养育了两个女儿,她寻求一种方法来回到劳动力和职业阶梯上。那是1982年,她的丈夫格雷戈里(Gregory)听到了已故众议员约瑟夫·莫克利(Joseph Moakley)的竞选经理,他的地区包括南波士顿,需要帮助。O’Meara找到了经营竞选经理办公室的工作。

“我喜欢计划。您必须计划,然后才能继续前进。这是我的思想运作方式 - 这类型的工作非常方便。”

- 波士顿HNTB副总裁Mary Jane O’Meara,其国家收费集团成员

她与莫克利(Moakley)的合作于1983年领导,在马萨诸塞州湾运输管理局(Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority)担任工作。第二年,打断了她的学业抚养孩子的奥梅拉(O’Meara)获得了马萨诸塞大学的计划学位。“我喜欢计划,”她说。“您必须计划,然后才能继续前进。这是我的思想运作的方式,并且在这种类型的工作中派上用场。”

O’Meara’s first transportation job was to help plan expanded commuter rail service to Fitchburg, an old industrial city some 50 miles north Boston. From there, she moved into the transportation agency’s construction planning unit and worked on the Orange Line. A high point came when O’Meara was put in charge of overseeing $100,000 in federal funding that MBTA obtained in 1986 to erect a statue to noted Black civil rights leader A. Philip Randolph in Back Bay Station, one of Boston’s busiest subway and rail hubs. Randolph unionized Black railroad sleeping car porters in the 1920s. “It was fun,” O’Meara says. “I had not done anything in the arts.”

From Planning to Tolls

奥梅拉(O’Meara)的下一个职业举动是在她从未考虑过的领域。她在马萨诸塞州港口管理局的一位女同事接触她,她有兴趣接任莫里斯·J·托宾·桥(Maurice J. Tobin Bridge)的运营经理,莫里斯·J·托宾桥(Maurice J. Tobin Bridge)是一座悬臂的桁架收费桥,将波士顿连接到1950年开放的北岸的通勤者。

O’Meara decided to take the leap, despite what she jokingly described as a harrowing first day on the job. Walking into the cafeteria to greet toll workers on break, O’Meara had just spotted the “wet floor” sign when she went flying. “As I looked, one shoe went one way, my pocketbook went another,” she recalled.

奥梅拉(O’Meara)也熟悉她的办公室,藏在254英尺高的桥下,九个故事。“这就像摇晃和烘烤一样,” O’Meara说。“你知道何时16轮往返。”后来,进入电梯,驾驶室停止在地板之间移动。她的两名助手冲着扫帚手柄撬开门,将她从电梯上拖下来,后者停滞了3英尺。她说:“这是我第一天后回到的奇迹 - 除了任何地方,它都不能走到任何地方。”

“One piece of advice that Mary Jane has always instilled in me is the importance of mentoring and giving back to industry.”

—Christine Keville, President & CEO, Keville Enterprises Inc.


But there was also construction, including a redecking of the bridge’s upper and lower sections done in phases between 1991 and 1995, an expansion of the deck and toll plaza and other structural repairs. Once O’Meara got an ominous sounding call in the middle of the night. “Something has shifted, you had better get in here,” she was told. The bridge had indeed shifted, but under O’Meara’s direction, it was ready to be reopened in time for rush hour, with staff working wonders using a steel plate.


她还认为这座桥的吸引力是自杀的当地人,在有人跳下甲板进入下面的神秘河之后,有一个以上的中间通话。查尔斯·斯图尔特(Charles Stuart)在1990年初枪杀了怀孕的妻子并将谋杀罪归咎于一个黑人后,其中包括臭名昭著的跳线。O’Meara说:“发生这种情况时,我正在上班的路上 - 这只是在我打电话时发生的。”“每个媒体都在那里 - 他们只是在桥上停下来。”

During her two-decade-long stint running the Tobin, O’Meara also became heavily involved in bridge, transportation and toll industry organizations, eventually becoming president of the International Bridge, Tunnel & Turnpike Association, while also serving as a board member and on numerous committees.


O’Meara launched the New England Toll Association to help regional authorities unify electronic toll collection systems and then chaired the group for two decades. She recently was cited for lifetime achievement by the American Road & Transportation Builders Association, which noted her “40-plus-year commitment to the transportation industry, including the advancement of female leadership.”

O’Meara说:“我喜欢公平 - 我希望一切对每个人都公平。另外,如果您加入协会,您可以通过参与其中获得更多的收益。希望您可以帮助下一代。”

Along with playing a major industry leadership role, O’Meara also put countless hours into mentoring younger colleagues. “I never say no to anyone who asks me for my help,” she says. Overall, engineers “tend to be more introverted—if they reach out, you need to reach back and help them find their voices.”

Some of her mentoring involves helping talented younger women gain “the confidence to do the job they want to do,” she says. That can also involve “encouraging them and working with them through issues and problems they may be having.” Helping someone find his or her voice—and ask for what they want—is key, she says, even if it doesn’t produce immediate results. “The next time the supervisor is going to remember who you are,” she notes. Over the years, O’Meara says she has kept a close eye on the careers of her mentees. “I feel like a mother,” she says.

去年,波士顿WTS分会重命名为O'Meara的名字奖学金,这是一项$ 4,000的高等教育研究生奖,该奖项是有资格获得全职员工的女性成员资格的高等教育奖。

Keville Enterprises Inc.总裁兼首席执行官Christine Keville从在行业组织共同努力的情况下认识了O’Meara。Keville称她为“我最受尊敬的导师之一”。她补充说:“玛丽·简(Mary Jane)一直向我灌输的一条建议是指导和回馈行业的重要性。”

Keville, ENR New England’s Legacy Award winner last year, also praises O’Meara’s leadership skills, calling them “one of her most notable traits.” According to Keville, O’Meara “recognizes the value of others and is very much a team player. She doesn’t care who gets the credit as long as the job gets done.”


After decades in public service, O’Meara moved into the private sector in 2011, going to work for HNTB. The firm’s national tolling group, in which she is a part, provides specialized consulting in tolling system financial, engineering feasibility and design aspects as well as in priced managed lanes and all-electronic toll conversion, interoperability and operation.


O’Meara brought to the private sector her dedication to mentoring employees, who seek “her out for guidance and counsel on what they should do in thinking about their career and engaging in leadership,” says Phil Brake, president of HNTB’s Northeast division.Brake credits O’Meara with giving him and other executives at the company a better understanding of the concerns and ambitions of all employees, with a keen understanding of where they are coming from. “She has really improved our working environment,” Brake says. “Mary Jane is a down-to-earth person who people go to and trust and feel as though she is really interested, as a person and as a professional, in the development of their career.”