ENR Midwest’s Top Starts in 2020 fell to levels not seen since 2015, as the record-setting pace of starts over the last three years faltered with owners delaying or canceling projects nationwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

A total of $14.8 billion in new construction started in the 11-state region in 2020, a more than two-thirds drop from the record $43.5 billion in 2019. Most ubiquitously absent was the building type that powered 2019, 2018 and 2017 to records: data centers.

The internet infrastructure big boxes accounted for $7.7 billion alone in 2019 starts in Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio and Wisconsin. That number is more than half the total starts on this year’s list.

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ENR Midwest 2020 Top Starts

Battered by the pandemic, only five office projects broke ground last year, and the central business district high-rise office tower projects that dominated previous years were limited to the BMO Tower and Wolf Point South/Salesforce projects in Chicago.

与数据中心一起,在过去三年中,对能源发电和传输的投资都加剧了,但后者的投资并没有消失。今年名单上的前两名是天然气厂,其余前十名中有一条石油管道(由TC Energy由TC Energy),三个风电场项目和Husky Energy/Cenovus的Superior,Wis。,炼油厂炼油厂重建。18luck官网

作为城市,联邦机构和一名私人所有者在威斯康星州,内布拉斯加州,爱荷华州,俄亥俄州,18luck官网俄亥俄州和堪萨斯州的城市,一个庞大的水和废水项目市场出现了,通过总计12亿美元的水投资。去年,美国陆军工程兵团去新利luck年的ENR中西部所有者继续投资于密苏里州的洪水减轻和维修项目。18luck官网新柏林,沃索(Wausau)和沃克沙(Waukesha)的城市使水管和废水处理厂以及管道改进。爱荷华州滑铁卢的Lost Island Water Park投资了1亿美元,将其水上乐园扩展到一个全面的主题公园。

Transportation departments and tollway and airport authorities started $1.245 billion in projects during 2020. The runway extensions and widenings in Kentucky and Illinois appear to be related to a new group of project starts ENR began tracking this year: fulfillment, logistics and distribution centers. Amazon fulfillment centers have been a Top Starts staple for the last five years, but now companies such as Ashley Furniture and pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson are investing in the Midwest with $683 million in such starts. Johnson & Johnson’s distribution center in Mooresville, Ind., is being delivered by design-build contractor Clayco and its in-house architect the Lamar Johnson Collaborative. Construction begin in May on the facility, which could be key in developing and distributing future vaccines and medicine.

Despite the drop in starts to 32.5% of their 2019 total, the value of projects that moved forward in the health care, residential/hospitality and school and government sectors are about on par with previous years. A return of market certainty may be necessary before owners are willing to make the robust recommitment to investments in offices and data centers in 2021 that would lift the region’s starts back to pre-pandemic levels.