Vineyard Wind, the 800-MW offshore Massachusetts wind energy project that is set to be the first and largest to commercially operate in the U.S., now may be just 30 days from final federal approval for construction after Trump Administration delay.


Vineyard Wind首席执行官Lars Pedersen说:“超过三年的联邦审查和公众评论即将结论,2021年有望成为重要的一年。”



The quick environmental analysis since BOEM restarted Vineyard’s review on March 3 reflects President Joe Biden’s goal to double offshore wind production by 2030.

Debra Haaland was approved to be Interior Secretary on March 4 by a U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources subcommittee’s 11-9 vote. Support of Republicans Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine, as well as key Democrat Joe Manchin of W.Va. will likely push her through full Senate approval despite other Republicans' hold on the nomination.

海兰德和能源部长詹妮弗·格兰霍尔姆(Jennifer Granholm)将成为拜登(Biden)在2035年削减电力部门碳排放目标的关键参与者。后者表示,最高400亿美元的贷款担保将用于清洁电力项目,包括风能,太阳能和水力发电。18luck官网迈克尔·里根(Michael Regan)也是美国参议院,并于3月10日确认为美国环境保护局负责人,以66-34票的投票,其中包括16名共和党人的批准。

Amanda Lefton, named BOEM director on Feb. 5 and formerly New York’s energy and environment secretary, promised"an expeditious process"to permit pending projects.

BOEM is developing a final EIS for the 132-MW South Fork Wind project off Long Island, N.Y. Developers Orsted and Eversource have committed to a $10-million training center and using contractors who have project labor agreements with the Nassau-Suffolk Building and Construction Trades Council.

But completion of Orsted’s 120-MW, $720-million Skipjack project off the Maryland coast now is delayed until 2026, with the firm citing new political and and logistical difficulties in finding a suitable land route for its transmission cable.

Meanwhile, Democratic leaders of the House Energy and Commerce Committeeintroduced a bill March 2that requires all retail power suppliers to obtain 100% clean electricity for customers by 2035.

It gives the U.S. government authority to build out the electric transmission system and creates a new White House Office of Energy and Economic Transition to coordinate programs to support workers and communities affected by the transition to net-zero emissions.