A decision before the U.S. Supreme Court could have wide implications for construction of U.S. pipelines and other projects involving federal eminent domain power vs. state authority—even though the issue is an arcane legal one that does not specifically involve the natural gas project being decided.


“It’s an issue of where a delegation of federal eminent domain power to a private party runs head on into a state’s sovereign immunity,” Jennifer Danis, senior fellow at Columbia University Law School’s Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, told ENR. "That position reflects neither the Biden administration's climate policy nor environmental priorities, but rather the solicitor general’s unique role as part of an office that varies little with each new administration.”

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in 2017 authorized PennEast Pipeline Co. to build a 120-mile pipeline from Pennsylvania to New Jersey with granted use of eminent domain to obtain state land needed to build it. The pipeline would transport natural gas from the Marcellus Shale fields to New Jersey and New York markets.

At issue is a2019年裁决by the federal appeals court in Philadelphia that said the U.S. Natural Gas Act, which governs natural gas pipelines, did not authorize a private line owner with FERC approval to condemn state land.

The ultimate question before the high court, which agreed to hear the case last month and is set to hear arguments April 28, is whether the U.S. government has broad eminent domain powers and whether states lack any right to object.

But the law is vague, says Tom Gilbert, director of energy, climate and natural resources for the New Jersey Conservation Foundation.

While Danis says this case is not focused on natural gas, advocates see it squarely as being about that. "The appellate court ruling, which the pipeline company is challenging, would not just undercut statutory framework, but also development and operation of critical natural gas infrastructure nationwide,” the American Gas Association and the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America said in a supporting legal brief filed March 8 with the court.



The U.S. Chamber of Commerce said the ruling would impact other natural gas pipelines, also due to state objections, in its March 8 brief.



领导特拉华河管理员网络的玛雅·范·罗森(Maya Van Rossum)在一份声明中说,正义论点是“滥用权力和信任,以及当前政府的失败……保护人民和我们的环境。”

One opponent who did not speak for attribution said the best way for a state to halt a pipeline is to deny it a federal Clean Water Act water quality permit/