
The agency sent the March 8 notice to the Texas Dept. of Transportation as Harris County sued the state in federal court on March 11 to halt contracting of the Interstate-45 project, pending a new environmental impact review.

The project, to be built over 10 years on a 24-mile stretch of I-45, is one of the the city’s largest infrastructure projects in a generation, according to TxDOT.

“We are in contact with FHWA seeking clarity around what a pause might mean as far as timing is concerned for future contract solicitation efforts,” agency Executive Director James Bass said in a statement to ENR.


The expansion, set to improve traffic congestion around Houston, includes four new managed express lanes from downtown to Beltway 8 North, and rerouting I-45 to parallel I-10 on the city’s north side and parallel I-69 on the east side of downtown. Sections of I-10 and I-69 would be rerouted. The approved project also includes reconstruction of main lanes and frontage roads and added bicycle and pedestrian capacity along streets that cross freeways.



在该县的3月11日诉讼中,根据德克萨斯州南部地区的美国地方法院提起的《国家环境政策法》提起诉讼,哈里斯县检察官克里斯蒂安·梅内菲(Christian Menefee)声称,TXDOT在选择最终项目之前未能研究替代方案,并要求法院要求更多影响审查。

The suit says the TxDOT project plan "ignored serious harms, disregarded concerns of communities impacted and brushed off the numerous comments they received" during the environmental review. It says officials "already made their minds up about what they were going to do and then simply did it."

The county wants the project "more carefully considered and designed to meet the diverse needs of the region’s future," reflecting altered work patterns and new transit initiatives, and to "learn from the region's past experience that wider freeways cause more traffic, not less, and without unnecessarily displacing hundreds of families and businesses."

TxDOT has not yet received a copy of the lawsuit, said Bass. “We were looking forward to continuing our work with stakeholders on refining the plans for the project, but these plans may now be in jeopardy due to the lawsuit." he said. "We look forward to discussing our efforts to mitigate concerns.”
